Why I Do Not Believe In Investing in The Stock Market | Shares | Dividends | Trading | Finance

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- Fuck Fear: How to make money using fear
- Passive Income: Making money without working
- The Rise & Fall of The NSC: How I made & lost my millions

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Everything is risky, investing in property is risky, investing in the stock market is risky, starting a company is risky and I personally believe that for one to be successful they need to take some sort of risk. Great insights though.


speaking of GAMBLING...LIFE its self is about gabling bro, starting any business is gambling, going to bed at night not sure if you will wake up in the morning is also gambling. so TRADING is "gambling" with very high chance of winning, since odds are always in your favour.
Even LIFE its self bro No one has control over it.


As an investment analyst i half heartedly agree with you Pen. 90% of the people in the stock market are speculators including Wall Street, (I know this because I work for a hedge-fund on Wall Street). A true investor is someone who approaches the market on a fundamental basis (Price is what you pay, value is what you get).


The Black Pen!!! I particularly is very excited about you adding finance matters to your growing podcast network... I love the subject and I strongly feel more of our people would appreciate it too... I strongly recommend adding finance matters..


Here's a principle I abide by: I invest in everything I use and purchase, be it clothing, shampoo, food, or a car. This way, I take control of my life. The truth is, we cannot predict the future, but by owning what we use, we can exert some influence over our circumstances.


I respect your choice but like anything in life, no one knows the future. So everything is gambling.

I encourage you to read the book “Psychology of Money.”


I invest in stock market and I will continue doing it for the longest time. I do it as part of diversifying my portfolio. I here your views 👍


Today's episode was my favorite because I love financial education and markets news, its exciting stuff, pure empowering, I love it, Pen can you be my mentor


Every form of trading is a gamble either actual(tangible) commodities per say because you don't make decisions of who buys your products and of which quantity£ Market fluctuations are also out of your control i mean you don't get to dictate inflation.... trading is a business like any other fem.... the limitations come into existence when your type of merx is a need or a LETS ALL FOCUS ON PUTTING THE WORK IN REGARDLESS couz whatever you said vice verser


I agree. It's a better gamble for me because the risk of losing everything is lower. I am investing in the stock market in a few companies i keep track of. For me, it's more about keeping the money I am trying to save while I am still deciding what to do. I hate saving with a bank.


This guy doesn't get the support he deserves simply because he's not talking about bums and parties unlike other podcasts I won't mention. It's hard to take in looking at what people invest their energies in, yet expecting change and improvement in our country. Keep sharing your thoughts man. You really matter.


Thank you...I stopped reading the Business Section of the Sunday Times when I realized it's just propaganda to make people believe their pensions are safe even though they are actually gambling...Rather gamble on yourself


The greatest investment you can make is to invest in yourself.


Rutendo vs Ike debate should have part 2. Some pointers to deliberate upon :
1. Regional intergration
2. Cross pollination of ideas & concepts
3. Failures from govenments & accountability
4. Pan africanism
5. African currency


❤🎉🌸🥇You have escaped the matrix. A complex and challenging path, well very much like anything else in life. The main difference here being “liberated suffering”. The beautiful luxury of self actualisation. So the returns are far higher and more rewarding than being in the matrix. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are on the best path, whatever learnings may come with it. And as you know, the golden rule in life is that we are ALL allowed to change our minds about our choices at any given point. Even God (as we're told by scripture) changed his mind in the Bible. So, no pressure. God is for us all. I admire your courage❤


I will sudgest you also learn more about being a retail technical day trader and you will realise all that information you think they are ignorant about, is not actually important to them. A skillfull technical trader makes money regardless of the direction of the market. He/she just needs volatility to take advantage of.


I really admire you my God.... teach them... im sure a documentary about you will be done soon❤❤


The best investment is in yourself..that's also my view


Penuel ur rebel with a good cause, keep enlightening us!


As some young newcomer on the entrepreneurial scene, this is invaluable info.Kudos to you
