Sewu Temple

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Sewu is an eighth-century Mahayana Buddhist temple located 800 meters north of Prambanan in Central Java, Indonesia.
The word for a Hindu or Buddhist temple in Indonesian is "Candi," hence the common name is "Candi Sewu."
Candi Sewu is the second largest Buddhist temple complex in Indonesia; Borobudur is the largest.
Sewu predates nearby the "Loro Jonggrang" temple at Prambanan. Although the complex consists of 249 temples, this Javanese name translates to a thousand temples,' which originated from popular local folklore (The Legend of Loro Jonggrang).

Archaeologists believe the original name for the temple compound to be Manjusrigrha.

Video by Visual Anak Negeri
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Amazing video. Amazing Lovely rendition and beautiful camera work.


Candi sewu secara administratif masih masuk wilayah klaten jawa tengah
