The Terrifying History Of Hutt Space (Star Wars Legends)

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Why were the early settlers of the Mid and Outer Rim planets terrified of the Hutts?
#starwars #jabbathehutt #starwarslore #starwarsfacts #galacticrepublic
Fifteen thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the Hutt Cataclysms tore through Hutt Space, a civil war that transformed their homeworlds into desolate wastelands. The survivors, in an effort to avoid total annihilation, created a Council of Elders to quell clan rivalries, and they implemented kajidic - a philosophy transforming their clans into business enterprises and criminal syndicates. However, the Hutts operated quite differently before the Cataclysms. The Hutts were fierce warriors, expanding their empire by invading nearby worlds, obliterating species who opposed them, and enslaving those too weak to defend themselves. Rim worlds caught between feuding clans were often decimated, poisoned, bombarded, or even incinerated.
#starwars #jabbathehutt #starwarslore #starwarsfacts #galacticrepublic
Fifteen thousand years before the Battle of Yavin, the Hutt Cataclysms tore through Hutt Space, a civil war that transformed their homeworlds into desolate wastelands. The survivors, in an effort to avoid total annihilation, created a Council of Elders to quell clan rivalries, and they implemented kajidic - a philosophy transforming their clans into business enterprises and criminal syndicates. However, the Hutts operated quite differently before the Cataclysms. The Hutts were fierce warriors, expanding their empire by invading nearby worlds, obliterating species who opposed them, and enslaving those too weak to defend themselves. Rim worlds caught between feuding clans were often decimated, poisoned, bombarded, or even incinerated.
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