Marine's Bug Out Bag with Gear Recommendations | Build It Before Too Late

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These are the items that I think all men should have access to in their EDC.

00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:15 - Important Things to Consider
00:02:52 - Bag - Eberlestock Jacknife
00:04:43 - When to Bug Out
00:06:12 - Comfort of the Bag
00:06:58 - Items on the Outside
00:24:56 - Rear Interior
00:35:09 - Main Compartment
00:47:17 - Survival Kit Tin Breakdown
00:56:27 - Remaining Items in Main Compartment
01:01:56 - What Am I Missing?

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Marine X
3000 Custer Rd. Ste 270-444
Plano, TX 75075

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I keep two things no one has ever thought about. A folding hand truck and an 800 lb capacity four wheel garden cart. That way I don't have to carry stuff on my back. And if someone is injured in your group you now have a person who cannot walk along with the backpack they were carrying. If you have a garden cart you can pull them along. Especially if you have children. Get two garden carts


I do have some constructive feedback but I wouldn't recommend the ESEE kit at $230. Imo you can build a better version of that kit for $98. So instead of their loadout, you can do Suunto $20, Morakniv companion or Morakniv Eldritch ($20), Victorinox Huntsman, Lifestraw ($17) imo far more versatile than pills, ductape and paracord is free (no need to pay for it), a pack of 8 mini bics ($8) far more useful than what they offer. and maybe UCO storm matches ($8). That's a savings of $132. I'd also recommend the Elegitical Emergency Response Shears over the Leatherman, that's a savings of $70.


This Is By Far the best EDC YouTube channel 💪🏿😇


Tip for the pull tabs being the same color. Use some different colored small zip ties and clip off all the tail. That’s what I do on my packs. Color code to whatever makes sense for you.


The camera and lighting are great. Very interesting visual. You did a great job on explaining the different products with alternatives and your philosophy of use.


Really great stuff in your kit. Everything is covered. I added a four-wheel 800lb capacity garden cart to carry stuff instead of on my back. Also a clip-on wire antenna for the radio because they don't work when there's a severe storm. Also many years ago I bought 3, 000 lb paracord when it first came out and I recently bought a Esee4 clip point which is really cool. I almost got a hero clip like what you have been suggesting for the longest time but they are very expensive here in Canada. Instead I found these double-ended butcher's meat hooks which are 4 in wide and have a swivel in between the two hooks also because they're pointed you can hammer them into a tree. Except for the backpack you and I have pretty much similar kits. Unfortunately our people, you know who I mean, are not into prepping at all whatsoever, ha.


I've been a prepper and survivalist since 2008 and I'm still prepping my bug out bag is right where I want to be


Great bug-out system in place! Very thorough video and packing.


great video, had my kids watch it to assist in their build. One criticism though as a retired FMF corpsman the Marines do have their own corpsman, not Marines I grant you but we are there for you, my Marines were taught all types of first aid including how to insert IV's, but I took it upon myself to teach them, keep up the great videos, people are learning.


climbing carabiner is better . you can use it to rappel if ever needed and can be used to carry someones weight in a rescue scenario


Some minor recommendations to improve your kit:
Use Picaridin/ Icaridin as insect repellent, trials showed that it is equivalent to DEET in effectiveness (aside from some variance with central African mosquito species IIRC, but that shouldn´t matter in the US) but it´s safe for kids and doesn´t compromise plastics and leather like DEET does. If you get the highest concentration it also works against ticks and other ground dwelling insects, and then you just apply less of it against mosquitos.
It can be handy to include a 50ccm graduated centrifuge tube either in your med kit or your water kit. It can hold pills, tweezers etc. or protect Whirlpak bags against puncturing, and you can use it to mix a disinfectant with iodine or chlorine tablets. Depending on the concentration of the mixture, it can be used for wound irrigation, wound disinfection or to sterilize tools/ surfaces, for example if you butchered an animal with/on them. I suggest you look up the correct ratios for the tablets you carry and mark them directly on the cylinder, in addition to having them written down somehwere in detail.


Hoorah Devil Dog ! Very much enjoy your videos and your manner of delivery. Outstanding ! I'm from a prior generation. Served 67-73. In any event, was curious as to what you and the family do for comms. In a SHTF scenario it's likely we won't have cell service or power for that matter. I happen to choose GMRS for my family. We are all relatively close and can reach each other via simplex. It's also likely that some of the local and national repeaters will be up on battery backup/solar power. As such, that opens up ConUS for comms. Thanks again for putting up your videos. Looks like my home storm box and bug out bags are in pretty good shape given that we pretty much share the same gear/philosophy. Semper Fi ! Gil, Largo, FL, USA


Sir! The camera is spittin some fire today! Lookin so good! Mrs. X gonna be happy with you good sir! Thank you for this long form!


Excellent kit and bag set up...Im building several for my family and myself..I have daughters so im building 3 female friendly bags as well and cant forget my 2 getting them tactical harnesses that can carry their own food and water 💪🇺🇲🫡..Its 3:20 am here in California and i just finished your .Im up working out..My hours are jacked right now..Body is Next .😂..I started a personal 200 pushups a day get back in shape after being sick with valley fever and a surgery. i do some bar Bell work here and there..Im at day 15 and just completed 3000 while watching your video..and subbed today..Im also 45 yr old and have too many injuries to list..But i will out work most 30 yr love brother 🇺🇲💪


Outstanding, thanks man. Re-setting my pack for the summer of love and this was very helpful. FWIW Grayl has come out with a titanium model that you can cook in. It's $200 USD but it's pretty sweet. I always carry extra glasses (reading, distance and shades). I also carry ACE wraps, a soft knee brace, and a light weight splint just incase I get a leg injury or twist an ankle.


Bravo man. Very well put together kit and video. Much love from Waco TX.
Thank you for your service!


Thank you so much for this video @Marine X!! This is a very insightful video that definitely has great foundational ideas you should use to build out your bag. I've definitely found some ideas that I hadn't thought of before! Thank you sir for the awesome work!!


Thanks for 210 Radio, I had a model that didn't have the batteries so I upgraded, The Goruck GR2 40 L is on sale now; 40L in Ranger Green for $275 instead of $395.


Great set up thanks for the info & ideas appreciated
I also use a hero clip on my packs also I have a caribeiner on my packs I've found if i place the hero clip on the grab handle as you do, then my caribeiner goes on my shoulder strap not only is thus good to hang stuff on the fly but when in a cafe etc I bring the hero clip around the table leg then the caribeiner the pack pulls in nice and tight out of the way and is super secure, try it out


My set up is VERY SIMILAR to your set up. Good choice on most of your items. Good thought process on your set up. Keep up the good job
