10 NEW HYPERCHARGE IDEAS 🔥 by @ROBrawlStars195

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#BrawlStars #RObrawlstars #hypercharge

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Never let this guy work for brawl star 💀🙏🏻


Clancy in the middle of the safe in heist with hypercharge


Hypercharges were made to help the super, not to be INSANY BROKEN


Chester - Too Sugary
Clancy - Paintball Power
Moe - Dig Up a Hole
Draco - Insane Metal
Pam - Healed Three Times
Meg - Rob's Ability
Willow - Playing with Poison
Penny - Cannonball
Chuck - The Pain Train
Bea - Sting Like Bees


I'll do you one better for Pam.
Pam's hypercharge will be called: mamma's protection.
Her healing turret will have it's radius increased by about 25 or 30 percent, and give all allies a shield equal to the turret's total health points when deployed.


All of these concepts are genuinely trash besides Chucks and Willows which if tweaked slightly could work well


Imagine being killed totaly random while figthing by draco's hypercharge💀


Chester hypercharge👍
Moe's hypercharge 👍
Meg's hypercharge 👍
Willow's hypercharge👍
Penny's hypercharge 👍
Chuck's hypercharge 👍
Bea's hypercharge 👍


Chester's should be this

BOMB: the area is bigger and it bill deploy faster

Area: It will get bigger

Poison: it will surround chester

Stun: it will slightly curve towards the enemie

Heal: its fine as it is


Wilow will better when she control someone he instant charge he's super and wilow can use it (this would be more fun)


Chesters poprocks was a whole as domain expansion


Pineapple's hyper charge Concepts


😮 Great ideas to be honest 👍🏼 Except for Pam


Скажу так. Для чака гипер довольно логичный. Можно было бы сделать огненный след по дефолту


Nah, let me cook!
Chester: with hypercharge, he get 5 supers at once (like melodie 3) and there is a 100% to get all supers from that 5 super (so you can't get like 3 stun and 2 heal)
Clancy: super is breaking walls and 1, 5x DPS for super and attack while hypercharged
Moe: after super, he stays underground while hypercharged, can attack, but the enemy can't attack him
Draco: super lasts 1 minute, and if he charges super while in dragon (so used super) he has a new super, like meg having 2 different supers, draco's 2nd super: spawns a dragon baby (Health: 6000, DPS: 1000) he can have 3 baby dragons once, after he tries to spawn the 4th, 1 will despawn
Pam: pam's super has 10.000 health, Healing circle size doubles as normal super, and approaches Pam at 8-bit speed (so it's slow)
Meg: when in mech form: super is going in a circle shape around Meg 2 times. When without mech: using hypercharge automatically gives her mech to Meg, without transformation cooldown
Willow: while using super, she has a shield prtotecting her 99% (so she is almost unkillable) and can't be stunned or knockbacked (like frank gadget), super lasts for 10 seconds, while controlling, willow can use enemy's super, hypercharge, and also can charge it with attacks.
Penny: Penny's hypercharged turret has 8000 HP, cannonballs hit ground in 0, 2 second (fast) and shooting has a 0, 5 cooldown (DPS increased to 4000) and fire lasts 10 second with 800 DPS if standing in it
Chuck: (it will be the most OP of these) while hypercharged, Chuck can place unlimited stations, and they are like normal ones. Also, while hypercharged, he has infinite super (both) so he can place new stations non-stop, and can chain between them non-stop, also breaking walls while hypercharged
Bea: super has a 2x range, it goes in a full circle around Bea, so it can hit everybody around. Hypercharge super also goes through enemies, breaks walls. Instead of slowing, it stuns enemies for 3 seconds (I think it's also OP)

There are some more:
Lily: while hypercharged, she charges ammo 1, 5x faster. Her super goes through walls, if not hits anyone, Lily will teleport to the closest enemy.
Hank: while hypercharged, his attack has no limit to charge (+1000 DPS, so if he charges it 30 seconds, it will damege 30.000), but the size is not grow. His super fire 2x bullets, all in different way around hank.
Otis: his super is 2x longer and wider, it also goes through multiple enemies and walls. All the enemies it hit will not can attack for 5 seconds
Janet: when flying with super, bombs' explosion radius increased, 2x bigger than normal. Janet also drops bombs 2 times faster than nomal while using super.
Kit: when jumping, the circle's size increased 2x. When lands on enemy: instant 2500 damage -> stuns enemy for 4 second, but Kit can move and attack not like normal super. When lands on teamate: heals teamate +1000 HP per second, it can also overheal them. Kit's ammo charges faster, attacks' explosion size increased 1, 5x.
Berry: while hypercharged: super charges 2x faster, has 2 super once (like darryl), ice creams stays 2x longer (attack and super), healing 2x more
Byron: while hypercharged: every attack becomes 3 attacks (like his gadget), no poison damage, instead damage once like A sniper, super's explosion size increased 1, 5x
Melodie: while hypercharged: she doesn't have a limit of supers, every 4 hits she charges 3, also no limit of notes, every attack spawns 1, and a after cooldown it disappears like normal.
Doug: autoaiming hypercharge super give hot dog to the whole team, and these hypercharge hot dogs don't have a cooldown, they last until they die, ot until the match ends (OP in showdown)
Kenji: so super goes like x, but hypercharge super goes like x and after it goes like + form so in middle it does 2x DPS
Bo: hypercharge super places 5 mine instead 3, mines explode instant after enemy stepped on it
Grom: while hypercharged: attack and super goes in + and x form both (like his mutation, but also with normal attack)
Mandy: hypercharge super has aimbot (like damege dealer power up), it is also 1, 5x wider
Colonel ruffs: hypercharge super's boostng token gives a super (and hypercharge if the brawler has), and also the boosts to the teamate who collected it
Amber: while hypercharged: super charges 3x faster, possible to have infinite oil in ground (becouse in normal, it doesn't stack), ammo charges 1, 5x faster, fire damages 1, 5 more
R-t: while hypercharged: lower half have a 99% shield (almost undkillable), attack circle size increased 1, 5x, upper half's speed increased 1, 5x


Alterante video title: How to melt the heist safe 101💀💀


I think bro’s the one that comes up with the broken brawlers at supercell 💀


La de Moe, le disminuyes el area al llegar 0:36 un poco y ya estaría bien 😁


A da Willow é contraintuitiva, pois quando o inimigo chega em 30% de vida ela para de controlar.


