Is the US-China trade war causing a digital iron curtain? | Insight | Full Episode

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The deepening trade war between the US and China has threatened to divide the world into two economic and technological blocs. Each country is now pushing for self-reliance in technology while limiting the other's access to advanced technological know-how. What will the impact of this division be on the world economic order?

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Americans should seriously consider doing more to support more their local businesses rather than buy from the big box stores that receive goods from other countries. The answers are clear.


I am Malaysian born ethnic Chinese, 3rd generation. I grew up looking down on China and their people, and for more than one decade now increasingly admire and respect the country and the people. It was a total paradigm shift!! The more I understand about the Chinese mentality and their government(after political reform and economic opening up in 1978), the more I realised that China shouldn't be like the west. It can learn from the west but NEVER run the country like a western democracy.

Taiwan is a good example whereby after democratization for about 10 years, their economy stagnated for more than a decade now due to too much internal politics whereby each political parties are mainly thinking of their own interests and winning elections only. While Singapore is run pretty differently from Taiwan and in fact, China was inspired by Singapore in the early 80s when they were in their early years of reform and opening up. They look at Singapore and understood that with a strict and competent governance which limits freedom of speech but prioritise responsibility of speech instead, it could bring faster progress and most of the time even faster than in democratic countries.

I count myself lucky that I am able to witness the rise and RETURN & COMEBACK of my motherland, China as a global superpower in my lifetime. The same goes to my father. My late grandfather who grew up in China and eventually settled down in Malaysia (1931) in his 20s will be pleased to witness that too if he is still alive today. Back in those days when he left China, it was then in a bloody civil war and still known as the Sick Men of Asia to the western powers and Japan.

Do not forget, the western dominance worldwide was only about 200 years old (from United Kingdom to United States), started from wars and colonisations and also containing the potential superpower back then, which was also China. Professor Kishore Mahbubani, former Singapore diplomat and authors of various geo-political books once quoted, the western dominance of the world is an aberration of world history because for the past almost 2000 years, the world's largest economies had always been China, followed by India. And ancient China had always been the most advanced and prosperous nation worlwide and many of their brilliant inventions had contributed to humankind. That were the reasons why he said that all aberrations (western dominance) will naturally comes to an END.


Chinese people haven't benefited from this "prosperity". Shame on US politicians who made a deal with the upper ruling class of China. The workers almost got nothing. Not to mention workers, most of us, including the so-called middle class, can't afford to get "costly" deceases like tumor. Farmers are more unfortunate. I personally has witnessed cases in which minor symptoms had to be neglected, needed treatments gravely ill. Look at our wages. This said by Premier Li Keqiang:"600 million people only earn an average income of 1000RMB( 154.526 us dollars)a month." Perhaps that's why, "surprisingly", numerous Chinese people support, and even admire Trump so much. It's because we're so fed up with the politicians who made deals with the top riches of China. Or in their own words, "the modest approach". Shame on all of them.


The US should disconnect our economy...better now then


Honestly, as an American consumer who knew the cost of cheap goods was bad from the other country, it was too good to pass up. I pay the price now. This is awakening of a sleeping giant. I criticized America in being self-absorbed during the 1930's and ignoring the oncoming war, but we surpassed it with this single year's revelations. Literally the fall of Rome, governmental corruption beyond belief. We assisted their rise in the 90's and now are paying the price. Only until now do we realize whose leash we put on ourselves. Now we need to release the shackles and join with others who equally were duped (we were all stupid) and free ourselves from said country. My wording is to prevent censorship (not CNA).


This is not about trade, this is about the clash of Civilizations.


When two elephants fights, the grass will suffer


USA brand is needed, we would have to pay a little more so what .


The sad part of all these globalization exercises is that most of the savings from these exercises go into the pockets of the shareholders, obscene executive salaries, and "other enrichment schemes for the entitled" rather than into the consumers. Hence, it does not really matter to the consumers but matters a lot if you happen to be an "affected" worker seeing your jobs going abroad. I can also see a lot of anguish from executives seeing their bonuses affected instead. The really sad effect of globalization is the gradual de-skilling of local workers...




When China and the USA will match the treatment of their reciprocal guests we all will have the proof of good faith in a sincere and honest collaboration. (good luck with that)


OMG the useless narrator asking rhetorical questions is really annoying, for anyone who's interested there's a really good video titled "China’s Silent Takeover While America's Elite Slept"


I see tariffs increasing and businesses shifting out of China.


Thank God America finally got a strong President


@CNA NICE DOCUMENTARY! Very Intense! Looking forward for more!


I went to the Pet store today and was able to find a collar, leash and toys for my pup made in Canada, Mexico, and India. It was allot of searching through the "Made in China" products but even one brand of chew toys had some products made in Mexico and some made in CCP China, so I grabbed the made in Mexico toy. I was going to buy a local brand from my town "Ruffware" but turns out their products were made in China so I did not purchase that local brand. I left feeling like I had done my part to end the CCP virus!


When you out-source jobs and technology, you lose control of your product and, more importantly, the technological edge.. Thank you Wall St. for short term gains at the expense of the entire manufacturing sector.. Wall St. home of the job creators.


This about communist China stealing western technology and using slave labor wages to propel its economy with no regard for environmental concerns to the atmosphere causing climate change around the world.


Empires of this world and kingdoms of men, they all come and go.


I’ll be more interested if they were warring over trading Pokémon cards.
