Could a No Deal Brexit Be Good for Britain? Was it all Project Fear? - TLDR News

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With a No Deal Brexit looking like more of an inevitability than a possibility, we take a look at some of the ways in which this outcome could be good for the UK. In this video, we discuss how fishing (again!), potential trade deals and the possibility of increased productivity, could all be economic benefits of a No Deal Brexit.

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I think the focus on fishing is a bit of a red herring...


The year is 2022. Britain has been out of the European Union for only 2 years and already it is flourishing. Within days of gaining its financial independence, Welsh and Scottish Nationalism died; the union has never been stronger. Ireland rejoined in a second act of union. The countries of the Commonwealth flocked to be taken back as crown dominions and colonies, begging for British rule once again. India declares Queen Elizabeth II Empress. Even the original 13 colonies of North America forgo their silly republic and swear loyalty to the Queen, who has been reborn as a gorgeous youthful Goddess with the power to restore Churchill to life. One pound is now worth over 200 dollars. France admits we were better all along. Angela Merkel ends herself as her plan to form the fourth Reich and displace the white populations of Europe is brought low. Rule Britannia the world cries out... Britannia rules the world...

Nigel Farage awakes; his brow wet and his plaid pyjamas slightly sticky...


The UK has lower productivity than every other EU state.
_"Maybe it's because of EU red tape."_

WHAT 😕⁉️


"Access to cheap European labour could be suppressing productivity".
Bring on no deal, I always wanted to see Brits picking their own fruits and building their own houses. How are you gonna run the country with no colonies and no EU workers to do the hard work?


It is crazy how people still think this is going to be a bad thing for the EU.The EU has 27 countries. I think that when the UK leaves they are just going to shop in other EU countries.


Q: Could "no deal" brexit be good for Britain?
A: No.


40% unemployment will be great for "entrepreneurs" running sweatshops.


TLDR of TLDR: no, of course f***ing not!!!


The sad thing is that Brexit with a No Deal will not settle the matter. Brexiteers will always come up with an excuse as to why mana isn't falling from heaven.


“Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.”
― Mark Twain


I'll make a prediction... _productivity post-BRexit over 5 years will not increase in the UK._ In fact, I suspect it will fall further. The argument that "cheap labour" has mitigated investment and reduced productivity could easily be applied to, say, Germany where a lot of "cheap" labour migrated. During 2018, for example, the UK averaged 9.1 immigrants per 1000 inhabitants, Germany 10.8, Netherlands 11.3, Ireland 20.1 and so on. Yet _all_ these countries have a significantly higher productivity rate than the UK. It's far more likely that the UK labour policy of part-time low wage (Zero Hours Contracts etc.) work contributes more to low productivity. When Henry Ford increased his workers wages to twice the then minimum wage, productivity improved noticeably. As Ford put it, "That wage increase was the best cost cutting exercise I ever made".


“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.”
― George Bernard Shaw


Switzerland did a vote if they wanted to leave the EU while not even being in the union. Remain won by a land slide 😂👍


The UK is still "Bound by international law"?

Someone ought to tell Johnson & Cummings that.


The UK is a service sector economy, it makes up 80% of GDP and the UK enjoys a commanding trade surplus.

Forget fish, ignore the lorries; total distraction. Think IT providers, architects, accountants, universities and banks. What will happen there?

Nothing good.


Brexit is not about economics - it’s about ideology, at the cost of economy. The likelihood of the 3 upsides mentioned is low. But Brexitists will say that people need to believe more


Brexit being a good deal is just wishful thinking. Next year will prove this correct.


You really are quite optimistic... However yes, I do agree that it will be a relief to find out who is right (even though you can see it already) because the anti EU sentiment in the EU is falling thanks to people seeing what a mess Brexit is. Also you missed a small thing in the analysis called Scotland leaving the UK to gain sovereignty over it's land, control over it's fishing waters and power to make trade deals (and other things) independent of UK.


The UK government just showed the whole world that IT IS NOT bound by international law and treaties though. WHo will want to make deals with UK if they just willfully break said deals anyway?


It shouldn’t take a disastrous no deal transition for these world leaders to figure out it’s a bad idea
