Shinedown - What You Wanted

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#Shinedown #WhatYouWanted #PlanetZero
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This song is different than any I have ever heard from Shinedown. May require another listen or 10. Can't wait to see them live again.


"You don't know what you're doing. You don't care who you ruin. Just keep the fantasy moving. It's a hell of a show.", is a quote shown at the beginning of Planet Zero the song, showing this comes full circle. The tour just before this album was released was called "The Revolution's Live Tour, " also quoting another lyric from this song ("The Revolution's Live"), ironically right after the first quote.


In 15hrs I'll be watching them live in St. Pete Fl for the Album release party, I cannot wait. Plus we get Meet & Greets. I love you Shinedown nation


This is my favorite shinedown song, and its crazy how it gets no recognition. What I love about it is the fact you can relate it to so many things, for me its Cyberpunk Edgerunners.


You know I think this album was actually cleverly designed. I strongly believe that they succeeded in not only writing great music but also getting their message across.

Here’s why.

I’ve read dystopian books and I think that the album not only shadows dystopian societies but also shadows the current path that our society is currently on.

The album starts off with No Sleep Tonight and Planet Zero as a way of shouting to the world “This is the society you live in. You have a problem with it, you will be silenced.”

Dysfunctional You and Dead Don’t Die is the part where whoever you are realizes that this society is greatly flawed and completely disregards human emotion or self thought. You’re like “What is this? This doesn’t seem right to me.”

Then we come to what I like to call the pivot point: America Burning. I think this the point where you have dozens of alarms going off inside your head saying “THIS IS NOT OKAY.”

Then we come to A Symptom of Being Human and Hope. This is the part where the underground starts appearing and start to shake things up little by little.

Clueless and Dramatic and Sure is Fun is the point where (for a lack of better words) the people running the show know what they’re doing isn’t right, but they don’t care. They’re just gonna keep doing it.

Daylight, The Saints of Violence and Innuendo, and Army of the Underappreciated is the point where the underground comes into the light and the people start questioning what they’re told and start rising up.

What You Wanted is where things really get interesting. To make it easier to understand I’d like to refer to the revolutions we’ve seen through history. Some succeed like in the USA’s case. But others more commonly don’t. Especially in dystopian societies. Even if they’re fake, 1984 is a prime example. We may not have seen a full on dystopia yet, but I don’t think we want to see one at all. Full government control? No self thought or emotion? No free will or freedom? No difference of opinion or healthy debate? I can go on and on. Point is that The last song represents a part where the people in charge not only will but have done whatever it takes to get WHAT THEY WANTED: total control of EVERYTHING. This song represents the crushing of the rebellion. At. All. Costs. Full stop.

I honestly expected this song to be an absolute banger like the intro. It would have represented the underground succeeding. But again that is not always the case and this is what happens more often than not. So I was surprised when I did hear it. I’m not gonna lie at first I was a little let down. But then as the song continued it dawned on me. Maybe this is their way of saying “Is this what you want?” as a “HELLO I DON’T THINK YOU WANT TO LOSE YOUR FREE WILL NOW DO

I’ve tried to keep this review as politically neutral as possible (even though I am a VERY opinionated political person. So if it turns out that way I do apologize). Some people have absolutely enjoyed this album. Others were disappointed as to where it went. But some were downright furious and feel that this album was trash.

My opinion is that this album was absolutely wild and off the walls. But in a very good way. It kept you wondering like what’s gonna happen next. I feel the the 20-50 second interludes were instrumental in keeping with that. As the album progressed the messages got more and more hostile and repressive. That in itself reflects the people in power and how they will do anything to silence opposition. I have other more political based opinions of this album but they are irrelevant. I wrote this for the public and people will not always share opinions. That’s the beauty of this album. I can make this review as opinionated as I could have wanted. I could have made it completely right wing or outstandingly liberal. It could have gone either way. What they’re trying to say is that this is the beauty of society: difference of opinion, thought, diversity, difference, etc. What Shinedown did with this album was a stroke of genius. Their message is to fight for the things listed above. They wanted to highlight the fact of stand up, band together, be different, don’t conform, fight oppression, fight for self thought, free will and other aspects of freedom (at least that’s what I believe).

I don’t know if Shinedown will see this but you guys are absolutely amazing. 10/10 album. Smashing job. Haven’t been to a concert yet but I hope one day I will. I know you guys will kill it. Please come back to Miami as well! Good luck on tour! In that case until next time…


I love how this entire album is just one big story about Planet Zero. I’ve absolutely loved Planet Zero, The Saints of Violence and Innuendo, and Daylight. I feel like this song is the perfect end to this album. And to answer your question, yes I did get what I wanted; a great Shinedown album.


What an end to this album. Glad to have listened to it all, sad that it’s over of course but man what an album. I think this is some of the most brilliant work shinedown has done, if not the most brilliant work they’ve done.

My pointless thoughts on the album and my interpretations of what I listened to (if you haven’t listened to the full album I’d recommend listening to it in its full so you can put it into your own interpretations before reading this one. It’s important that you experience the album for yourself and not through somebody else’s eyes):


Planet zero going into this album is something I looked forward to. Something we look forward to. Now take that and put it into terms.

Planet zero to me seems to be the standard that we, the people on this planet are told to conform to. A “perfect” society where nothing can go wrong because everybody is the same. The little 30-50 second interval bits between the songs are to me the voices, the media, the people that lead our societies leading us down a path that will allow us to conform to their standards, to make us numb and part of a functioning society with no difference between person to person. No emotion, just doing what we are told because somebody told us to do it. No difference between one another. Just people and nothing more.

I feel like the songs in this album portray a society, or our society beginning to question the values of “planet zero” - thinking and learning about who we are as people, how we are all different from each other. No person will ever be alike and because of that it shouldn’t be forced upon us to all be the same. As the album progresses I feel like as we learn about ourselves, about each other, we begin to learn that we are who we are and we have to accept that. We need to embrace who we are as people. We are imperfect. We’ll never be perfect. No matter how hard we try and try and try we’ll never be able to conform to the perfect standards of “planet zero” because nobody is perfect.

Towards the end of the album I think I when the society starts to band together and learn that together we are stronger when we are not divided amongst one another. All we have to do is take a minute and learn from each other, and come to accept everybody’s little dysfunctions and imperfections that make us human. They make us who we are. And when we accept that and work together we can create a society much greater than planet zero, because we have done what’s most important - we have accepted that we are who we are and we cannot change that, and no matter how different we are from one another, how far away we may feel from the world itself and everybody else - that every single person is important. And when we love each other, when we care for each other and just be ourselves - it might not be perfect, but it’s a world where everybody can breathe and feel like they at least somewhat belong even with their imperfections with the support of one another.


I like how this played at the end of the first night of the Revolutions LIVE Tour- and the fact that Planet Zero came out about a year before the Tour, and the lyrics say “the Revolution’s live, just like it and subscribe”
I feel like they were planning that lol


This song grows on me the more I listen to it. Its just so catchy


This band pits in so much effort into the lyrics. They say exactly what they mean and have great meanings behind every song. Really good album. 🤘


“The revolution’s is live, just like it and subscribe…” Fuck Shinedown these bars are on point


I love this song!!
You speak to my soul Shinedown!! There are so many meanings to the lyrics.

Shinedown you are all loved! You are above the fakery of our society, I mean not everbody can tow the line, but you see us, we do matter!

The Planet Zero album is amazing, you are brilliant and watching you through the years you have evolved to the stratosphere. Thank you for your attention and love.

Come to Colorado!! ❤


my brother passed away last month (suicide) and the chorus of this song has been playing my head ever since. “Goodbye, so long, see ya later, goodnight. Is this what you wanted?” I know it’s not the meaning of the song, but everything reminds me of him and the feeling I have.

I absolutely love this song. My coworker Toni plays it all the time, and it’s become my favorite Shinedown song. Thank you for this song ❤


Currently can't get enough of this song.


Love this album it paints a clear picture of America today. Very divided, and everybody expects you to have the same points of view when that was never supposed to be what makes America free. It doesn't matter who you voted for, what religion you come from, who and what you support in your lifetime as long as you respect and appreciate those that don't share your same thoughts and views, it says it straight in the pledge of allegiance united we stand, divided we fall a lot of people have forgotten what that statement means. It's never been united under the same mindset we are this great nation because of diversity and different cultures coming together as one to share with each other. Thank you for such a great album! Looking forward to seeing you guys live again, seen you twice only the second time being at Rockville where you had to leave early due to weather related issues but I still had a blast!!


Love this one and Dysfunctional You.
These guys should make a full alternative rock album.




I knew Zach when he was 13 yrs old in Memphis. His Dad Fred, me and Terry "Bubba"Tidwell..R.I.P. Zach probably don't remember me. He would sit in the living room watching and playing Tora Tora songs....I knew would make it were determined.


This song is SO different from all the others...and that's perfect for everything it encapsulates. The orchestral rhythm really adds an extra layer of bombasticism that really fits Shinedown's style.

Absolutely legendary.


Planet Zero = An "Attention Attention" soup whose seasoning tastes of "Amaryllis" and "The Sound Of Madness" 🎸🥁🎤🎶🎧
