Steal Silvanus Idol with Tricks without starting Civil War - BALDUR'S GATE 3

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You don't need to do this. After Kagha's quest Idol is going to be much easier to steal through normal means.

Neat trick how to safely steal Idol of Silvanus for Steal the Sacred Idol quest without starting a civil war. Quest completion guaranteed without consequences unless they patch it.
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If you finish the investigate Khaga questline (don't read further if avoiding story and have the ritual Then you can easily walk up and steal it (granted, with like invisibility or other stealing tactics) and get the hell out of the grove via the wooden elevator before any druids can approach you. From here, you can give to Mol and finish the quest without ANY battle or war or other any negatives. In fact, you can buy/steal it back from Mol and place it back where you found it in the grove if you felt bad about stealing it.


Since containers can’t be opened in sub windows on console, I have a fix for my fellow console players. I used Asterion, but any party member should work. Separate the member stealing the idol from the party and position them on the Dias near the idol. Drop a quicksave (just in case) and click “Steal” immediately open the menu wheel with the “go to camp” option. As soon as the idol begins to move from the dias, hit go to camp. Your party member should be in camp while the rest of your party is still in the Sacred Pool. Check in with your party and make sure the druids aren’t hostile. Then bring your separated member back to the Pool. Everything should be peaceful and the idol should be in your inventory. Then, continue as normal.


I'm not sure if anyone will try my method, regardless you need the 'Find Familiar' skill and enter 'Turn based combat' spawn the cat, that lures in people with it's meow after everyone has gathered to the cat, you just steal it whilst no one is looking.


update : this exploit still works. here's how i do it.
1. : UNGROUP your party. make sure 3 of your party members are on the camp.
2. : do everything what this video does (drop trunk/chest, cast frog, put idol to trunk, then go to camp immediately.)
3. : Group your party then teleport to nearest waypoint.
4. : Go back to claim your trunk.
5. : It is done.


FYI, to make it a bit more simple for those not so quick with the mouse put the Idol in the Chest and go to camp. The Quest will then update, and you can leave camp and pick up the chest then go back to camp.


The first time I tried this it still triggered the cutscene and the fight. I reloaded and tried again faster, it worked the second time. Thanks :)


Safest way i have found is to

1. Get quest from mol
2. Have a wizard learn "summon quasit"
3. Complete investigate khaga
4. Have shovel (quasit familiar) continuously throw the idol until it is near the waterfall with the small hole and ladder
5. Stealth, steal, go to camp.

Remember i said safest not fastest 😅


I've tried with Arrow of Darkness it's same as Fog, I went to camp instantly I came back. Cinematix turns on every single time.


If you do the Investigate Kagha, then you only need to cast Fog Cloud, enter stealth to be safe, steal it and teleport to camp and that's it


Easy way for Console players (Maybe PC as well): Leave one character by the Idol who can cast fog cloud. Move the remaining characters inside the cave with Mol. Cast fog cloud, steal the idol, and immediately portal outside of town - Emarald Grove Environs portal. Switch to your characters in the cave with Mol, move the Idol to their inventory, and boom you've done it.


-For people who say it has been patched, it hasn't. In fact they made it easier. Party stays in camp, you go next to the idol, smoke bomb yourself, steal it and teleport to camp. Then gather your companions and fast travel. And poof, you got it. I've done it multiple times now and it seems like it wasn't just a fluke. You don't even need the container anymore.- Nevermind, tried it and it's back to being finicky. Maybe I just got really lucky on those particular saves or maybe it was patched again in the meantime.


Not sure what all is actually needed but I just used disguise self, went hidden, threw it down the stairs, and then the druids ran up to me saying it had already been stolen. I did a deception check saying that I didn't have it (which at that point I genuinely didn't, it was literally just on the ground) and from there I just actually stole it, threw on turn based mode, chugged a invis potion, and legged it until I made it to the ledge where the tiefling bard sings. Undisguised myself and it's as if nothing ever happened.


From my experience what makes this fail or work is the placement of the fog. It is weirdly finnicky with what it actually covers on uneven terrain but if you get it right you can just right click steal the idol, go to camp and succeed.


I did not have the spell, so what I did was switch control to Astarion. Crouched next to the idol, then dragged it to the stone floor next to me. The druids panicked and asked me (I was confused and thought don't they see it next to me lmao). I passed the skill check. Crouched again and finally stole the idol. They asked me again but I got away. No fight started even after going back n forth.


On my last play-through, I managed this without fast-traveling out of the grove.
Since Fog Cloud, Darkness and all that stuff didn't *really* seem to work for me as a reliable means to cover my actions, no matter what I cast the spell on, here's what I did:
1. Place the two characters you won't need for this *well* away from the idol. I had mine standing all the way over by Arabella's parents. Any character in the party who's near the scene of a crime will get suspected by the NPCs in case of a theft, so if things go a bit wrong, you can end up having to do four separate skill-checks to talk your way out.
2. There is one druid who will always have his eyes on the idol. He's sitting just off to the right of it and he (along with as many others as possible) needs to be distracted if you don't use Dust Cloud or something like that. I used my Tav's performance skills (relatively easily learned from Alfira if you're a non-Bard) to distract that one guy and as many others as possible. Place your performer off to the right of the idol area and with his back to the wall. You don't want any distracted NPCs standing in such a way that they will also watch the area around the idol while listening to your performance. Main point is to grab that one Druid's attention, so you can't be too far away from him when you start performing.
3. The "drag idol directly into open container"-method shown in the video works great - anything else is *very* risky to pull off.
4. In my case, I simply left the container with the idol in it on the floor and *instantly* switched to turn-based mode and then ran/dashed from the area with both my characters. You only have a short window of time to get away from the scene of the crime, but it did work for me like that on multiple occasions (meaning: simply leave the area on foot instead of fast-traveling out).
5. Next I fast-traveled to a random waypoint (or maybe went to camp?), let a few minutes pass and then returned to the grove. You can then pick up the container with the idol in it and nobody will bother you.

Note: This was all done pre-patch 5. No idea if they changed any of the mechanics in the meantime. I sure hope they didn't because I'm on my Honor-run and I don't want to mess things up... :)


Alternative method if you have Lae'zel.
First confront Kagha about the Shadow Druids. When that is resolved, use Lae'zel's invisible Mage Hand to toss the idol of Silvanus. A few tosses and you can throw it down to where the bear is catching fish. As long as it is out of the bear's eyeline you can then simply take the amulet and if you want you can sell it to Mol. After failing often with combos of invisibilty, fog cloud and darkness, I found this way pretty easy and reliable.


This still works as of 9/16/23. You just have to be quick and lucky, or the game won't let you warp to camp (or it'll trigger the civil war just as you warp). It took me a few tries. You can do it.


also works with the darkness spell if you don't have fog cloud


Seems patched. I do it exactly like in the video. Even after I have moved to camp the cutscene will trigger where they notice that the idol is gone


This no longer works. Has been patched.
