Chinese Diesel Heater Controller Instructions - Advanced Settings PIN Code 1688 How Change The Setup

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1688 gives you access to alter many features on you Chinese diesel heater, in this video I
delve deeper into the setting of your Chinese Diesel Air Heater by accessing the advanced settings menu.
This 1688 pin coded section of the LED controller gives access to:
Pump dosage rate in Hz.
Fan speed in RPM
System voltage setting
Fan speed recognition magnets
Burner on/off control
It has proved to be a very reliable and efficient heat source for my motorhome.
#ChineseDieselHeaterInstructions #HeaterPinCode #DieselHeaterController
delve deeper into the setting of your Chinese Diesel Air Heater by accessing the advanced settings menu.
This 1688 pin coded section of the LED controller gives access to:
Pump dosage rate in Hz.
Fan speed in RPM
System voltage setting
Fan speed recognition magnets
Burner on/off control
It has proved to be a very reliable and efficient heat source for my motorhome.
#ChineseDieselHeaterInstructions #HeaterPinCode #DieselHeaterController
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