How to Improve Your Manga This 2025 | Beginner Manga Drawing Tutorial

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👉 If you're a beginner mangaka, aspiring to FINALLY create your first oneshot manga after YEARS of struggling and feeling stuck, then we would love to invite you to apply to our Oneshot Manga Drawing Program!

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0:00 INTRO
01:31 What Makes Manga Unique
02:33 Drawing More Dynamic Scenes
05:53 Get Better at Perspective Drawing
06:28 Experimenting with Panel Layout
09:27 Using Effects
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👉 Want to create your first manga with the mentorship of PRO Japanese mangaka?


I’m starting to lose heart a little. My art skills are pretty garbage, but I want to make a manga of my own. I want to have my own unique art style and be able to take commissions. I guess I’m just worried I won’t get into the program even though I really want to 😅


Thank you so much for the help! I really want to create a One Shot but, I'm not sure if I have enough money to join your manga program. Whenever you guys are open for more students, I will book a call


I’m working on writing my first one shot. As far as my art goes, I’m definitely better than the average person, but I really need to improve before I can feel confident in myself. This video is helping me add to my To-do for the next few months


There is a technique mentioned in a book I read about 'How to write Manga Stories'. It says it can take to 3 months to develop this skill for creative thinking for writing unusual interesting stories but it wasn't mentioned how to exercise and develop this mindset technique


I think this was one of your best, most comprehensive videos yet! The overall examples were varied but well organized. Most of these were things I have been increasingly conscious of over the past 5 months trying to make my own oneshot, but having them all condensed into one video helps to reinforce the concepts and to see the bigger picture.

One thought that I had though was that it might be helpful for beginners to see how these elements (varied and narrative-based camera angles, panel flow, effects, manpu) change from genre to genre, and having multiple videos that each go more in depth into a single genre could give more space for each.

Keep up the great work, thank you for the video!


I'm glad video like these exist, I'm still a youth artist trying and learning my own development and art skills, and I'm still trying to improve my art style as well including my backgrounds, my real goals life is to make my own comic / manga and get it published and noticed by everyone, at the same time I'm planning on moving back to California and LA to also work on my comics there, good thing i saved up money to buy my own art supplies and program supplies for my art problem is just everything about me my low self-esteem and my confidence feels like losing it everyday but no matter what I try my best to keep going


Just started my own comic, putting my newbie art skills into practice. And yes totally guilty of this. Mainly as I'm not confident to push my skills. I am doing one page a day and then spending time working on something I would have liked to have done better on that page. I'm seeing improvement. And yeah that does mean slowly getting more interesting panel layouts. You don't get confidence without practice but at the same time don't push yourself too far beyond your skill level. Find the right level of discomfort to push yourself into to improve.

It's like going to the gym. Over time your excersies get easy and if you don't increase (weights, speed etc) you plateau. At the same time if you push to hard you might set yourself back months through injury (in the art case, getting frustrated and burned out). Knowing your current limits and knowing where you can push them (and then pushing them a healthy amount) is the quickest way to improve.


I did my first attempt at a manga page. But i took the characters from aot and put them in it. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out eventually I’ll work on my own story but writing is pretty hard and I only know the start and end of my story.


I was just struggling with paneling layout yesterday! Thank you so much for posting these tricks and tips! They were absolutely amazing 😊


this video is perfect! I've been struggling to analyze better manga layouts and now with these tips, I understand it now ..👍👍


Can ya make a vid about how to make your own characters cause its a lil bit tough


@aphlearntodrawmanga (edited, because I found it myself already) footage from 6:21 to 6:23 is 僕の原稿ができるまで /The making of MANGA by 河上だいしろう
Reason I wanted to know is because it pointed out an interesting way for gathering ref material for backgrounds, that being Google Street View.
keep in mind that you cannot 1:1 convert the images there into background because 1) copyright 2) low res 3) images warped due to how it's shown and how street view creates the panoramic view 4) all images shot from a roof-mounted camera, so height is always above normal person's eye-level


I really have my dynamic moments when I draw panels but I still have a lot of the stiffness being most of the pages


back then I gave up making manga just cuz I sucked at drawing but I swear your channel truly motivated me to finally start making manga again. These days, I’m doing yonkamas and although my art looks garbage for now ahaahah, I love doing it. It makes me feel alive. I’ve watched all your videos and they’ve helped me so much. Thank you


I think I'm good when it comes to paneling and different angles buh something feels off about my manga


I prefer the look of the older manga I like how box like it is but that’s just me


we need video about art style with genre and target audience


Very useful tips and I'll keep them in mind!


Is it possible to link the sources to the anime, video's and manga used in the video? (Like Naoki Urasawa's channel)
