The Salvation Shelter Ep. 7

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Can you lose your salvation because of sin? Not if you're in 'The Salvation Shelter'.

#Salvation #Shelter

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Jimmy Cooper
Jimivision Media
P.O. Box 654
Hixson, TN 37343

Ken Matey
Phone: 401-47-BIBLE


I don't honestly know how anyone can have a dispute here, I believe this is this is 1000 percent spot on. 😊 BLESSINGS 💜✝️💜✝️


I have a hand written note in my Bible that says, “Live in God’s reality.” Be in Christ and walk according to the Spirit. Thank you for this discussion.


Thank you Jimmy and Ken for this new series that will continue to help your viewers grow. I’m looking forward to y’all going through Revelation

I would love see a video expounding on what ‘saving faith’ is biblically. For me it’s Proverbs 3, especially verse 5.

I love you guys and pray the Father will bless and keep you🙏🙌🏼🕊❣️


These videos wear me out, and I have to listen to some more than once to really grasp what is being said. Plus I do a lot of rewinding, lol! Good job! 👍


Yes i allways heard if i break the commandments n eat bacon i am lost again..n then i wrestled with the produgual son ..and god knew n paid for back on the cross my past present and future sin..and those not born yet etc and paul.. Saying don't put yourselves back under the law n about the new covenant..and i got so lost ..n torn..not willing to let go of god ..though i sinned so bad after being saved god knew when i was done running n restored me decades later...n i thaught i wasteing my time n too late i am 100% into god now 6 yrs day n night ..totally repentant ..and i was told then if i break his laws i am gonna loose my salvation n eat a pig n it became to impossible to keep ..i just still sin n struggle but i am slowly getting stronger n able to overcome but as far as i've come i still can't keep all gods laws n sin n don't eat clean as i'd like ..i am takeing care of my family 24/7 and trying to serve god somehow with my bad health and not sure why i still haven't fully gotten healed n blame myself as not good enouph a christian yet ..n wrestle with my beliefs and just don't know for sure what enduring unto the end means thankyou ..for helping me understand .. Thank god for this teaching ..


I married a born again, holy ghost filled, toung talking, street preaching, church going man. Four months into our marriage he lost control and killed an 18 mo. okd child. She was MY child by a previous marriage. I was 24 years old. I told God I would Never forgive him! God told me, a 24 year old woman who just lost her baby, Who are You?! I forgave the people who killed My son! Who are You!? Sometimes our lives are not as clear cut as we'd like to believe. I surrendered and began a life learning to forgive( which is a verb). He did his time and still serves the lord. I hear he still gets woken up at night to pray just like the rest of us. I resonate with this teaching but it is a teaching that will take us out of our comfort zone.


“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;”
Matthew 5:44 (KJV)


I struggle with this so hard! I've never understood what Paul was getting at. Thank you brothers for this timely message.


This teaching has really set me free, I was conflicted and truly feeling in bondage because I was trying to be "observant" but these new testament scriptures kept coming to mind with the sense that I could not fully understand them, I even asked the Lord to show me if I was really saved. I begged Father to give me understanding as I wanted to feel like I truly was part of the remnant as I felt I wasn't fitting in for admitting questioning a teacher's interpretation if it didn't witness to my heart as truth. The Lord finally heard my cry and showed me his truth. I am saved, I am in the shelter and he won't throw me out as others have done. I remembered the words of Jesus, John 6:39 and also that he intercedes for us . I will no longer live in fear. Thank you Jimmy for this guest .


Sadly, I think people and ( I was one of them) truly underestimate the price tag that Jesus’s death paid for everyone and the power of his shed blood. And because of that you don’t receive the blessing, if you believe you’re saved by your own work or you lose out on salvation because of sin itself. Sin stems from unbelief. Repent and believe the gospel. It is all about Jesus and being in Him faithfully and growing in grace with all your heart. I feel absolutely blessed in my heart and at peace that I heard this message. All glory to our God and Savior. Thanks Ken and Jimmy. Much love brothers. ❤

P.S. That does not mean I’m going out to live my life foolishly and wickedly. Lord willing!
As it is written: Blessed are they that DO his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


Father Creator Most High sent His Best...His Son. Worthy, given ALL Authority by The Father...Faithful and True. A Mighty Shelter and Strong Tower of protection. Rest in Him ...don't wrestle against Him.


This is a great teaching. It also should be mentioned that the good works we work out include following some of those laws. Because we WANT to in order to be obedient to a loving and redeeming Lord.


Thank you brother Jimmy!! I truly appreciate the way you create videos! They are always packed full of great information!! I usually go back and watch the videos 2-3 times & take notes 📝! 🤗 Keep up the great work for Yah’s Kingdom!


Older video I know but if Jimmy or Ken see this I just wanted to pass along a thank you for this episode. It cleared up so much for me.. Jimmy I'm like you in that I get lost in allll the info held within scripture and I seem to just have a problem with totally understanding what a scripture is meaning. I have a lot to learn when it comes to the deeper teaching so I say thanks to you both for the teaching. I've struggled with the thoughts in my day to day life of what should my life look like if I'm living like I should? This helped.. So Thx a bunch.


One question I have is.... What do we do about church here in America? The more and more we read Gods word the more we realize how wrong most teachings are in church today. I feel guilty for not going to church and some family members will probably never understand when we bring up false teachings within the church. My wife and I read at home and try to remove all that we've been indoctrinated with. Any recommendations? should we start looking for a local church or is having church at home with family enough? It's very difficult to listen to false teachings. Help.


Praise YAHWEY our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ…


Do you love your sin
Do you hate your sin? That explains it very well!!Much thanks.


I read some of the comments from folks who have been either confused or simply didn't understand what ken was attempting to "Focus" on in his teaching. In no way did I hear Ken imply a "Once saved, always saved" doctrine. How I understood this teaching is that Ken was showing that IF we are "IN CHRIST" and are literally "Walking in the Spirit" and "Not in the Flesh" then we can't sin, because we are safe in our flesh and all of it's unrighteous behaviors are still present with us. Our true battle is to constantly "Die" to the sins of the flesh, and to walk in the newness of life in Salvation Shelter was a wonderful analogy of the Gospel message. I'm glad to see that those who disagree with what is being taught are listening to these teachings. Hopefully they will investigate the scriptures further to see if these things be true and not just argue for the sake of arguing.


This is for those of you who just simply want to argue about anything and everything, without ANY Scripture backing your're not arguing with Ken or me, you're arguing with Scripture. We read SO much wonderful, plain as day Scripture in this episode. Please show us how we are misinterpreting these Scriptures.

One more thing…I’m preparing to officiate a funeral tomorrow (Thursday) so I can’t begin to respond to these comments until Friday or so. I pray God will give me the wisdom to answer your questions and comments.