How Bipolar Disorder Affects Family and Friends | HealthyPlace

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When I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 disorder, I saw the effect it had on my family and friends. When someone you love struggles with an “invisible illness” like bipolar disorder, it is hard to comprehend and difficult to watch. It took me years to realize that my pain contributed to the pain of those around me; even though it was not done on purpose.

In this video, I share my personal experience living with bipolar 2 disorder and the effects my mental illness has on family and friends.

I have learned that educating and communicating with the people I am close to helps ease their anxiety. It is difficult to explain, but getting involved and allowing them to develop their own views about mental illness is beneficial. It is important that those of us living with bipolar disorder acknowledge our loved one's stories as well. It gives us the insight needed to build closer bonds with one another.


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It's NYE and my bipolar sister sent me a hateful text accusing me of something. After being stabbed by her (literally), treated hot and cold by her my entire life, bending over backwards for her, only listening to her problems and never even asking how I'm doing and just plain the uneasiness, distance and walking on eggshells while she constantly judges done! It saddens me but it isn't healthy for me and is affecting my mental health. While I love her...its time for me to stop trying and being hurt. I just can't anymore


The greatest difficulty I had was getting heard in the first place, I grew up in an age when mental illness was not discussed, it was what insane people did.
I am 65, at present I acknowledge that I caused a lot of people a lot of pain, just as much as they caused me when I screamed "you not listening to me.
Now I try to see thier point also in my age grouping but it's difficult because I get feedback like "stop harping on it" as if such a comment will make it get back in its box which is very frustrating because I really try fit in.
Bipolar type 1


I have a wonderfully supportive therapist, and never was aware that when I distance myself from my friends or kids it's part of the bipolar spectrum. I work and am happiest as a phlebotomist and I have other tasks I can fulfill within my profession. Keep moving and creating positive good friendships that nurture you.


I put my parents through allot. I didn’t have my diagnosis but once I did it actually made things better for us, they have been so supportive because they now know why I am the way I am and that it’s allot more difficult for me to control than the average person. My mom helped me seek better treatment.
Friends however really meant well but just didn’t understand me not being able to do things at times or missing weddings and important events. They couldn’t under that their suggestions will not cure my depression, anxiety or agoraphobia/panic attacks and would get frustrated with me. But they weren’t trying to be mean, just didn’t understand.Finally I just blocked all their numbers and moved I couldn’t deal with them they were never going to get it. I had a very large group of friends from working in a big salon for 10 years, which I can no longer do. I feel so guilty to this day but it’s what I had to do for me. Except my very best friend since middle school, who has issues of her own she feels no one understands, from losing a baby. She is treated badly for not “getting over it” fast enough for people, and many moods/anxiety so she understands more than anyone and is so accepting. That we have times where we are not functional, angry, upset don’t want to talk, and no one else gets it. I would never downplay how much worse her situation is, but she finds comfort in me and our similarities as far as how our day to day struggles effect us and others. I’m so so grateful for the acceptance of my parents. I live with my mom and it’s hard on her with my moods, but when they get bad I just try to stay away from her.
My heart breaks💔 for people who have it worse. 😢


This is beautiful! Thanks again for sharing another amazing video! Communication is so important! I am blessed that my husband and I survived my diagnosis! Now I'm in treatment and I'm in full control of my behavior! YAY! To anyone reading this who may be struggling: ITS GETS BETTER and YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! Love and Peace to All! ~D


I'm one of the few who was not in the hospital so that when it was hardest they were all in panic and supported me with all their strength. Disease is not taken on me, because I am taking medication. In hypomania everyone thinks I'm healthy and cheerful. I lead a normal life but every day there is a small fight in me. Every day. But people around me can hardly see this fight. Sometimes I find it harder and I warn them that I will talk a bit more or that I will rest a little more that day.


I’m there for my parents more than they’ve ever been there for me but none the less I’m as understanding as possible and I never snap at them purposely unless they severely put me down, which happens a lot but I deal with it and it rarely leads to anything but me simply walking away. I honestly feel I’ve been taking care of my parents in a way most of my life.
I really feel what your saying about everything, all our lives are very different so we definitely all have our own way of dealing with things especially in the times we need the help most.


My daughter is bp type 1 It has had a very hard effect on the entire family we are hurting. She can be mean, rude and aggressive I her mom is the only one doing research other family members are not as educated on the subject as i and lose patience. A big blow up happened last night now i feel so sad. We are a waiting lust for familt counseling now I dont know if she will go. Cant find anyone to help us. She only talks to me, now she thinks I took her dads side, how much abuse should we continue to take she stopped her meds and treatment. She is a grown women i cant make her take her meds she has servere mood swings which is causing me extrenme anxiety. I feel hopeless.


My mother treats me like some bum always critical of my flaws but never acknowledging the plethora of hers She picks fights with me then blames me for starting them it has been a absolute nightmare my whole life and even now she knows she's bi polar takes medication and still has this aura of perfection like it's ridiculously insane she is the farthest thing from perfection way farther than Ill ever be I don't have a brain disorder but she still thinks everything is my fault wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy what Ive had to deal with.


I've just started to open up to a couple people around me slowly.
I've had a tendency to withdraw & isolate.
Because I didn't understand what was wrong with me.
And so I gave up a lot of relationships with friends/family/love interest, because I felt like such an awful person for not feeling happy. And I was so depressed all the time. My episodes would drag on for months.
And I got tired of putting people I care about through that.
Many were always trying to help, but they didn't know how to, and I didn't know what was wrong.
So there was frustration on both sides.
Some would get angry at me.
Even telling me that I'd never be happy no matter what situation I was in.
She probably tried the hardest to fix me. And when it failed she hated me. And I hated myself.
After that I was never the same.
I started to isolate more. Stopped hanging out with people, stopped trying to make friends.
I didn't want to keep hurting people.
And that made me fall into a deep depression for years.
Think it has been 6/7 years since then.


Have a family member with bipolar I don't know what to say that might trigger an episode. Can be the most simpliest statement


My good friend it's bipolar, she was just diagnosed about 3 mons ago. Maybe someone here can help give me some pointers on how to navigate through it. At times I feel overwhelmed and like everything revolves around her, whether she's feeling happy today and then really mad tomorrow. She's not taking her meds because unfortunately her insurance company denied the claim and she hasn't seen a mental health professional in a month. I don't want to lose my friend but for the past month she's been short with me, rude with her tone, moody, hypercritical of herself and those around her, manic and hurtful but won't take responsibility for any of it. It's always all my fault and everyone it's out to get her. I'm starting to feel battered and like I'm constantly walking on eggshells... I myself suffer from mild depression and anxiety and I'm starting to feel that it's affecting my mental health to be in this constant state of ups and downs. What can I do? I love my friend but she's hurting me.


The last thing I got to text to my bipolar aunt before she became cut off was “I love you” her episodes can last for years and I don’t get to see her.


Your an mvp. We need more people to talk about this.


I put my phone through so much with this illness when I’m not sick I feel great I can hold a job I can keep a routine. I am content and don’t need anything to help me feel better. However, once I am triggered, it’s like I have no control I lose the job I start drinkin drugging and telling my family who I love very much how much I hate them awful things .. I hate this illness with a passion, took everything for me. Now I’m all alone in an apartment, feeling so horrible for when I did while I was manic .. it’s so confusing because I thought I had a alcohol problem but I can go days and weeks without drinking but I noticed that when I get triggered i’m back to drinking alcohol. I probably have a dual diagnosis it’s insanity


your videos are excellent. I am so inspired. please i have a question about hypomania vs. mania and Bipolar I vs. Bipolar II. I love the way you break things down. Thanks again


It is so hard and then guilt that goes with it. My therapist just kicked my out of her program and discontinued contact immediately. It makes you feel like if she did that to me than how does my family feel about me and how have I been effecting them. How bad am I?


I know it's hard on my wife but she's been researching it and trying to be understanding.


=Ive been cut off by someone in my life that I love so very much. They were just exhausted by my illness. She knows I do not mean it and that some of it is out of my control. But still chose to disown me. :(


One of my friends is showing signs of Bipolar 1 and it is very concerning right now. Trying to figure out how to handle the situation because I do care for my friend very much.
