The Good & Bad of Daylight Savings Time

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Engineer Comedian Don McMillan looks at the Good & Bad of Daylight Savings Time as ONLY he does - with charts, graphs and SOLID engineering analysis!

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America's #1 Nerdy Comedian
What do you get when you cross an Engineer with a stand-up comedian? You get Don McMillan. This former chip designer has been doing his one-of-a-kind, PowerPoint-Driven comedy show for audiences for over 20 years. In his show packed with graphs & charts, Don will show you the funny side of your world that has been sitting right in front of you – you are just too busy working to notice. Don graduated from Stanford University with a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. He then went to work at AT&T Bell Labs where he was part of the team that designed the world’s first 32-bit microprocessor. He then moved to Silicon Valley where he helped launch the start-up company, VLSI Technology. Then after 15 years in the tech world, Don quit his job to become a stand-up comedian. That year he won $100,000 as the Comedy Grand Champion on “Star Search”. Don’s been seen on “The Tonight Show”, “HBO”, and the “Comedy Central”. These days, Don spends most of his time writing and performing customized corporate comedy shows for companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Ford Motors, and Exxon/Mobil. Don has performed more than 800 corporate shows in the last 20 years and he was named the #1 Corporate Comedian by the CBS Business Network.
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As my dad always said, in spring we sleep one hour less; in the fall we stay awake one hour more.


for anyone wondering, studies have found that DLS actually costs $430 million a year, some went as high as 1.7 billion. In people being late, and lack of energy leading to a loss in productivety. One hour more or less sleep disrupting circadian rhythm, which leads to more accidents, especially in vehicles and heavy industries like mining and construction. It also has never been proven to save energy, and some studies find it actually cost more energy to change than not. And don't even start on when some countries change and others don't, it's a logistics nightmare to edit and plan everything to be at a different time than 363 days a year across borders. Another defense people use is it's for farmers, but farmers are one of the people it effects the least. They get up earlier with the sun anyway, regardless of what the clock says. Basically I have a personal vendetta against DLS, and the feud will not end until it is removed or I am dead.


The lovemaking bit was amazing. Great ad-libs


Students are shocked to realize that this is how it started= we voted and it was suddenly a time to change the time.

I like the notion of voting that it's 5PM on Friday beforehand.


Love his comedy.. let us know when you come to Orlando, FL


Wow! Saludos desde México. Just bumped into your channel and I for sure want to see every bit of it. I find you really clever and hilarious. Keep going!!


yeah... "Daylight Savings" is been a pain in the @$$...


I wish he went into the history of this antiquated practice. They did this to keep workers/farmers working longer back before they had clocks.


I'm glad that Thailand doesn't have daylight savings.because i will confused af


That's how it must have felt like in September 1752...


Luckily there is no such thing as "Daylight Savings Time." We do have "Daylight Saving Time" however.


Why do smart Americans get so angry at daylight savings? It’s the opposite in Australia. We love the outdoor summer afternoons, but mostly it makes no sense to have sunrise at 4am or 8am. It’s natural for the sunrise to move time, so why can’t we move with it? The other weird thing is how EASY it is now with smartphones and computers … no more clocks to adjust.


I figured an engineer would be detail oriented, and know that saving is not plural.
