PGR Who should you Pick in 3rd Anniversary Special Research 100% Rate Up? Pull recommendation

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This is mostly my recommendation you may agree or not its really up to you account progression also the main consideration. Also Alisa not in this banner she is on the Debut Banner that's why I don't include her in her if you want to know more about alisa i will drop the video below
00:00 Intro
02:51 5th Position
04:36 4th Position
06:57 Honorable Mention#1
08:19 Honorable Mention#2
09:32 Honorable Mention#3
10:29 3rd Position
11:55 2nd Position
13:32 1st Position
15:44 Priority to SS
16:03 Priority to SS3
16:43 Priority to SSS
17:37 Conclusion & Ending

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I apologize for number 6 (21: Feral scent she is not in banner) so just skip her entirely so its literary top 5 character. I apologize once again. I way too motivated


4:00 Lee can't get a single break from power creep. Dude's cursed I swear.


Good luck to all pulling on this banner I hope y'all get the character early. Side note so excited for fire gray raven to enter global


Only missing Lee and Chrome from this list but given Watanabe & Qu coming out relatively soon, I think I'll wait for S rank selector tickets for them.
As others have mentioned, the upcoming BC/RC skins are much more appealing 👀


As an F2P (and probably for low spenders too) the answer is simple : Pick the one you like OR pick the one that has the longest shelf life. Shelf life in this case means a character that has not been power crept yet. The longer the shelf life, the better your investment.

Regarding "pick the one you like". I'm a dedicated 1st-gen main (why? Because I like them) and you will lose PPC and Warzone quite hard. However, I can say that the 1st-gens are still more than enough to clear the hardest challenge the game has to offer. Plus, if you compete in a gacha game, it's always money first, skill second. If you don't have the money, then why should you care about rankings?

As for duplicates. All 2nd-gen S-Ranks (except Nanamech AKA Nanami Starfarer) are recommended on SS3 + sig. To get this, you need the character, have him/her to SS rank from PPC, pull his/her weapon, and another duplicate. It's recommended not just because of the buff they will get but also the fact that from SS3 to SSS requires you to have 2 more duplicates which is quite expensive. Now you can compare which SS3 is the best buff for each of the characters but if you have decided to get duplicates, pick the one that is not SS3 yet.


My plan and prayer is that since I already have number 1 and 3 I'm gonna pray to God that I get bianca from anniversary get lamia in next patch I have guarantee and then maybe get scire from the upcoming basic banner thing where you can select the character you get from the standard, or maybe save it for someone else


The reason I want to pull for Scire is because I want to complete her Arcade Anima but probably going to pull her next patch on standard banner. Anyways, Nice guide as always. 😁


Damn I came back to PGR week ago and all my teams are outdated last unit i got was Pulao.. my worst team is probably physical so I'm kinda forced to go for Bianca Stigmata.. Alpha is just not doing her thing in Warzone.. in Pain Cage she is not that bad but still it's time to replace her..


I would probably get karenina cause even if i want her idol skin its useless if i dont have her :(


I still need 21 feral and S Vera for my lighting team, but I'm saving for Qu and Watanabe since I don't have a solid ice or fire dps. Also need to get S Liv.


(This is for dupes and meta.
If you're a new f2p player and you care about meta, just don't pull. If you're neither and are confident you won't regret it, then pull for whoever you like.)

Don't get Rosetta, she's available on BP selector and monthly store.

Don't get Chrome, he doesn't give your ice team a boost significant enough to justify pulling for.

Get Live Empyrea only if you're going to SSS her and wait for her Leap.

Get Karen only if you're a whale, she's unusable before SS3 and sig but still not that strong at that level. She needs SSS3 which is fucking ridiculous, just wait till Lamia.

Lee is also a sub optimal choice, his SS3 and SSS aren't great.

If you're getting Crimson Weave to SSS, 21 and Vera can just be QTE bots without you losing out on any damage, so keep that in mind.

On the other hand Bianca at SSS enables her to use full stack ults much faster, which also means she requires a swap out every ult for optimal damage output, so you'll need high investment a Alisa and Rosetta too.

Don't get any of them if you're broke. Get Crimson weave if you don't have a strong Phys team, and get Bianca if you do. Get Karen if you like her and you're a whale


The only characters that make sense for me to pull is Karenina and Lee, but Karen seems like such an expensive character to get, and ehile I like Lee, I'd rather wait for Lucia and Watanabe. Maybe i should just save and not pull on this anniversary banner.


I skip this banner because I want both Lamia & Karen idol skin.


Lucia's new frame was released in CN servers. I ain't rolling on anything until I'll get her a year later


I’m sorry but i might have to skip this since i want Lamia and the Karenina coating. Lamia patch is going to be expensive like Alpha CW patch


I'm pulling Empyrea because how strong the future fire team will be


Hi! Help please. I do not know who I will spend the guarantor on in a standard banner in the future. I'm having a very bad time with the dark and fiery weather. There is the Moon, Selena and 21 as a tank. I plan to get Lamia and Watanabe. And the fire pack consists of the Empire, Nanami Mecha and A rank Li. Everything is very bad. I don't know whether to spend money on it or not, he will be in the meta for another year. The ice pack is full! I am f2p


Will I be ok if pull SS3 Karen and SS Lamia (both with sig), but my Selena only S with 5*? I have all chars with SS, but not sure who need another copy... Also don't want to skip a new char to wait 2 patches for him, it seems like pain. What should I do?


I just wanted to know if Chrome will be in the list well I'll still pull for him anyway 😂


Lamia is next so saving up is important and her gameplay is too good to skip😊
