*DON'T MAKE THIS HUGE MISTAKE* BEST FREE S RANK UNIT! Who You Should Pick? (Punishing Gray Raven)

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Punishing Gray Raven is finally here and it will be that time to pick your first Free S Rank Unit. This is the one that the game gives as part of the Pre-Registration rewards, however you can still pull units via the banner. Before using that free S Rank Selector check out this video so you don't make a huge mistake that you may come to regret later down the line. The free units that are available to choose from are Liv, Lee, Karenina, Nanami, & Kamui. This video will tell you which one is worth picking while considering preferences you may already have! What's up goats, I am back with another video! Thank you so much for all the support and for being the goats! Check out my new channels below and drop a sub if you would like to!

This game already has an all star roster with Lucia, Liv, Lee, Karenina, Nanami, & Kamui. Stay tuned for more news regarding more game details, the exact release date for global and upcoming characters & units that will be added to the roster! If you guys are interested I can make a how to play and how to download guide for you all! Plus stay tuned for my reaction and review to my first hours with the game!

Here we go with a new Punishing Gray Raven video! Let me know if y'all want to see some more of Punishing Gray Raven! Like and Subscribe with Notis On if you enjoyed this video!


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Not gonna lie every time when I see this kind of video i feel like I did something wrong in the game


I'm a simple simp, I see Lee, I chose Lee


Took me until level 30 that I realized I could pick a free S-tier character XD

I chose Liv


Depends on the player, some players like to play speedy time, and Kamui is so slow to play, and if you want to grind faster without dying, pick S Liv make her dps, she's immortal.


Fell in love with Lee's design and his weapons he's really fun to play, Kamui was tempting cause of his big sword but ive been really enjoying lee so much so yea just pick which one calls ur name most


There is no mistake when picking a character just have fun with any character you pick


I got Lee and I have one thing to say he is literally the definition of going in guns blazing if you do the combos right he can carry you throughout chapter 3


Some people say to save the black ticket thingy for a character called Alpha. Apparently she is the best offensive unit so far in the JP version


As soon as i saw Kamui, i was in love, so i picked him, apparently hes good


I really like kamui.. His really tough and easy to use..


I swear everytime I find a new sub Chanel for gogo I’m always surprised. I’m always shook “ I know this voice” then I see the Chanel name and I’m like … surely I’m not the only one. Also when it comes to redeeming the free s rank, it’s recommended to first get ur s rank from the beginner banner after max 40 pulls. That way u don’t get a dupe


Just started and i immediately fell in love with kamui cause blonde husbando lol but then i ended up getting liv-lux two times in the newbie banner and fell in love with her playstyle more than kamui lmao so she's my leader-pseudo dps as well now haha


The moment I heard him say: "Don't convert your black card at the start of the game for that banner.." I knew I fucked up.

Welp time to create new account.


It's funny that there would be beginner mistakes
but actually ended up being game mistakes that causing drama


I don't care about how good the char is, i just want the game waifu's.

The 1st guest account i got all male char/construct and the 40th pull(my luck is total trash) i got Kamui.

I immediately throw that account and make a new one lol. Currently using Liv S rank as main dps/carry on world 5-9(1000bp)untill i got new weapon for the other girl.


Why does the main character have a better design than the s characters, they looks so bland imo


I mean do you rly need to sweat at these games ?
Who cares if the 1 u like isnt top dps
Its more fun if u like it then a op character that u hate


Lmao i used my s rank free selector as soon as i got it cuz i was thirsty for kamui


I got S Lee from pity and was heavily disappointed. Now I'm pretty much forced to get S Kamui, who I don't find worth in me using. Well, at least I got Bianca.


I tried it on my iphone and i must say the game is amazing! But the camera angle is a mess, whenever i fight and move as i click the attack button it keeps on twitching its super annoying, i hope they fix it as soon as possible.

Edit: all i needed to do was restart the game and boom no more twitching thankfully.
