Commanders that Kept Up With Power Creep

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#mtg #thetrinketmage #trinketmage


Sorry for the delay on this vid! Back to the normal schedule next week! Memnarch also almost made the list that commander is so fun!

Channel Art by Beevuu:

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music for all © 2024 by Logan Feece, Anthony Po is licensed under CC BY 4.0
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Grand Arbiter is still a powerhouse with very few new cards added to the list. He's him.


I love mentioning Wort. I always find grull a bit strange to play in higher power levels where it isn't yet cedh so winning all of a sudden from hand is frowned upon but leaving my board for a full cycle gets removed. It allows me to use my creatures before they can swing for value and protection


Shout out to Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant.

Dude asks for nothing and creates one of the best creature based pillow forts. Just throw in a few creatures that can block multiple creatures, and ones that take damage in your stead and you're laughing.

If released today it would have to say something like "10 more life than your starting total" or something.

Really good friends with Serra Ascendant too.


The original partner commanders aged extremely well.


I wanna give a shoutout to Zur for being really flexible for what you can do with him too.
I really like him as "Astral Slide Cycling Flicker" deck Commander.
But he also works as Voltron and other Enchanter strategies.


I'm a college professor grading final papers. I was on track to be done grading before dinner time tonight, then I saw there was a new Trinket Mage video.
Students can wait an extra day for grades, I think.
Also, I know you said you weren't going to include commanders that draw cards, but special shoutout to my man Reki. I've had a Reki deck for over a decade and he's managed to keep up simply because WoTC keeps printing good legendaries.


My oldest commander is Lu Bu, Master-at-arms. It is a 4/3 with horsemanship and haste. The entire deck is ramp, card draw, and permanents that increase the combat damage of Lu Bu. It wins a surprising amount of games.


Wort, the Raidmother is an incredibly sweet card for the 99 as well, and also gives you access to gold cards in other colors as well. Copying Cruel, Inspired, or Genesis Ultimatum, or heaven forbid Conflux or something is really sweet.


Couple other neat tricks with mage of zhalfir
-delay and suspend (the spell) get WAY better with him around. Always love throwing one of those down and seeing opponents realize how it interracts with my commander.
-scourge of fleets. Cyclonic fish.
-master of waves+Mystic Reflection on the end step just before your turn. With a decent devotion total this is basically fog, rift, or die for your opponents. Edit: oh wait. They can't do the first two.
-triskaidekophile. Flash in just before your turn. Then just count to 13 and win.


I recently took apart the deck because of the way it was playing (or not playing), but a commander I really like is Kumano, Master Yamabushi. For those unfamiliar with this jank legend from OG Kamigawa, he's a 4/4 for 3 and double red that let's you pay one and a red to deal one damage to any target. It was a very fun and silly pinger deck that could actually be quite scary if you set it up right. He could burn face, also, give him deathtouch, and suddenly you can just pay one and a red anytime you want to kill target creature. Oh, and if a creature he pings dies in the same turn they get exiled. So one and a red to exile any non-indestructible creature you can target. I also liked throwing in damage doublers and lifelink.


Honestly this was a great thing to look at, and one of my personal recommendations for strange options is actually a more recent uncommon commander: Bill the Pony

I’ve built it as Voltron, artifacts matter, toughness matters, and food. It’s all different directions that either ability fuel


you mentioning stormtide leviathan and utvara hell kite takes me back. I played those exact cards as finishers when I started playing magic back in the day


The commander I play that came out before the precons is Rith, the Awakener. At one point I was stating towards another player that the deck is casual and he ended up saying that I create 10 1/1s and then win the game by casting an overrun effect.


Thraximundar was one of my first EDH decks and continues to be a fun one. I also run Progenitus but as an enabler for 5 colour cascade. I had Mayael for a time, too. Rafiq of the Many is SCARY.


Scion of the Ur-Dragon is from 2006 and it's stronger than the Ur-Dragon himself 😂


Can we talk about the quiet Ertai the Corrupted callout there at the end?

As an Ertai player, if you get your engine online in that deck, you just win. Nobody casts anything else the rest of the game


The continuation of this video would be awesome! :D
Also, the OG Teferi is a beast there, even in the 99 in some thematic deck


Pre-2011, I have a hyper Aggro Doran deck. Yoked Ox, Tasseled Dromedary, Armored Armadillo, etc. So many great board wipes for this type of deck. Doran itself is a great Voltron clock. Plus, Tangle Angler, Tower Defense, Shadrix, both Oketras. Just a nasty deck.


THANK YOU for this video. what you say in the intro is exactly my mindset on the Elder Dragon Highlander format that has become "Commander" ever since WotC decided to mangle it

even though I started playing commander with a precon from C15, and I have precons from C16 and C19 as well, I still find that the powercreep has been getting exponentially worse, especially since 2019.


Man. Teferi was my first commander. He was not good, but his static ability shook a lot of people. A friend of mine, Jordan, said: James, if you want to keep playing commander, don't play teferi. If you wanna win commander, keep playing teferi".

I might give it a shot and rebuild it sometime.
