Interceptor 006 Has Tackled Over 850,000 KG of Trash in Guatemala So Far

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Interceptor Barricade is now operational and capturing plastic in the Rio Las Vacas, Guatemala. As of June 13, over 850,000 kg has been extracted from the river by The Ocean Cleanup since the end of April.
“Now we await the real test: a heavy flood and a trash tsunami bringing hundreds of tons of plastic in just a few hours – in the hope that we can fully validate our solution and end these yearly floods of plastic into the Caribbean Sea.’’ - Boyan Slat.
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“Now we await the real test: a heavy flood and a trash tsunami bringing hundreds of tons of plastic in just a few hours – in the hope that we can fully validate our solution and end these yearly floods of plastic into the Caribbean Sea.’’ - Boyan Slat.
And follow The Ocean Cleanup on:
Interceptor 006 Has Tackled Over 850,000 KG of Trash in Guatemala So Far
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