Java Streams: map and flatMap

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In this video we will talk about two other popular functions of Java Streams, map and flatMap. We will see their differences and where they should be used. You can get the source code at the following github url:
Java 8 Streams | map () & flatMap() Example | JavaTechie
Java FlatMap in Java Streams - Java FlatMap vs Map
Java Streams: map and flatMap
What is the difference between map() and flatMap()? - Cracking the Java Coding Interview
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Java Streams Part 4 - FlatMap Method | Map Vs FlatMap | Hands-On
Java Streams Tutorial - Einstieg in die funktionale Programmierung (flatMap & map)
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Map Vs Flat Map | Top Java 8 Coding Interview Question and Answers | Code Decode | Java 8 features
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Java 8 Stream map() vs flatMap() | Difference between map and flatMap in Java | Java Hindi Tutorial
Map vs FlatMap - Java Streams