Flatmap Vs Map Java 8 | Flatmap in java 8

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Welcome to this channel, This Channel is mainly designed to focus on improving software Engineers existing skills and enhance their Interview skills,
This Channel is for both Freshers and experience who wants to get job or want to groom their existing skills.
About this Video : -
This Video covers the difference between map() and flatMap() of Stream class.
We will learn when to use flatMap and Map in code.
I have explained the usage with example and what both method does internally.
#flatmapVsMapJava8 #flatmapInJava 8 #mapAndFlatmapJava8
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Welcome to this channel, This Channel is mainly designed to focus on improving software Engineers existing skills and enhance their Interview skills,
This Channel is for both Freshers and experience who wants to get job or want to groom their existing skills.
About this Video : -
This Video covers the difference between map() and flatMap() of Stream class.
We will learn when to use flatMap and Map in code.
I have explained the usage with example and what both method does internally.
#flatmapVsMapJava8 #flatmapInJava 8 #mapAndFlatmapJava8
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