Unraveling the Mystery of the Clarinet Embouchure (part 1)
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Oral Dynamics Laboratory (ODL) in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology (University of Toronto)
An internationally acknowledged laboratory in the area of oral motor control research a series of experiments are being conducted to further our knowledge on clarinet embouchure. The main investigators are:
Dr. Pascal van Lieshout, a professor in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and an internationally renowned expert in the field of Speech Science with over 150 peer-reviewed publications (journal articles, book chapters, proceedings), and over 25 years of experience in research on oral motor control. Currently, he is the chair of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Director of the ODL.
Dr. Aravind Namasivayam, a consultant research scientist with the PROMPT Institute, Santa Fe, NM. He also holds an adjunct faculty status at the University of Toronto. Dr. Namasivayam’s current clinical and research interests include developmental speech sound disorders, stuttering, sensory-motor integration, and motor skill learning.
Dr. Kornel Wolak is a performing clarinetist and teacher. He received a number of awards including The Presser Foundation Award for Highest Academic Achievement, L. Berstein Scholarship, A. Galper Scholarship and Polish Ministry of Culture Scholarship and Poland Arts Council Award. Mr. Wolak is frequently invited as a keynote speaker, clinician and clarinet instructor to lecture on topics such as clarinet technique and acoustics, reed making and design, contemporary techniques, performance practice and clarinet cultural history.