Are You Overspending? Or Underbudgeting?! Here’s the Difference

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Okay, so we overspend sometimes. But is it always our fault? Learn whether you’ve been simply overspending or actually *under*budgeting, and how You Need a Budget can help you handle BOTH with ease.

0:00 Intro
0:25 Aren’t They the Same?
0:51 Defining Overspending
2:23 Defining Underbudgeting
3:12 How This Fits Into Our Priorities
5:10 How YNAB Can Help
5:50 Outro


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Overspending or Under-budgeting…great to be reminded that once your life expenses are covered, the rest is really up to your own priorities…if it’s coffee that’s ok. ☕️


After watching many of your videos, I'm happy to say that I am currently in my YNAB trial and loving it! Keep up the great work Hannah & YNAB team!


Been using YNAB since my son introduced me to it in 2016. I now could not survive without it. What a game-changer!! This year will see all consumer debt paid off and YNAB keeps me in control of both the plan and the monitoring of the plan. I love Hannah’s videos. Am always excited when a new one comes out. Keep them coming!!!


Hiya Hannah. I love, love, love your videos! I also feel like it's important to remind your viewers that the prices of things can change - so in this video, you say that you may have needed more gas for your car this month than you had funds for in your budget. But, I think it's good to acknowledge that even if we actually did stick rigidly to the exact same mileage each month, we still may need more funds in our budget due to price hikes (or reductions).


I'm ready for the 2022 YNAB merch sale! Loving that sweatshirt, Hannah!


My problem was my ex couldn’t stick to it. I’m now 15 months into it and I’m enjoying every day of YNAB now. Debt-free, multi-month buffer, and a discretionary category for FUN.



This is a great video. I think a lot of people don't listen to what their budget is telling them in these situations.


Awh. Great video! I love the encouragement to use our money the way we decide we need to! No one else can tell us how to prioritize our money! Thanks, Hannah 😊


Great video! Their is some that would say groceries are in-between a want and a need


I've been using YNAB since late 2019 and I love it. I'm a freelancer, so budgeting by actual random income amounts is key. Over time, I've added my business budget and my local budget, my back-home-in-the-U.S. budget and my aging parents' budget that I need to keep an eye on for them. The flexibility has really been invaluable as my needs have grown - and I can sleep better at night knowing that I have enough money in the right buckets to keep the plates spinning. (What? You know what I mean.)


The Battle of the Bulge of the Budget ?


Don't you just love it when you have your entire budget set up exactly the way you want it, with all money assigned, and then, because you have a Prime account and she doesn't, your sister wants you to buy more than $300 worth of stuff from amazon on her behalf, that you couldn't have anticipated and didn't budget for, so now, however temporarily, you're way overspent on your credit card? That's a lot of fun.


I'm underbudgeting but YNAB doesn't help me to fix it as there are no statistical tools or trends available in Android app. I must manually calculate from transaction history how much did I spent in specific category. And I need to do this for each account. Super annoying and the reason why I'm not considering using YNAB anymore after trial.


I would be overspending if I agreed with the abusive 103% price raise you guys are trying to shove down our throats. Fortunately, I won’t be. Bye.
