Alabasta (Arc Review)

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The Grand Line Review takes you through the eleventh arc in One Piece, Alabasta!

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Alabasta has actually gone up in my favorite arcs as the series went on. A big part of this is that this was the beginning of all of the changes in the world of One Piece. With Crocodiles defeat, the World Government needed a new Warlord. Blackbeard would eventually take this spot with the capture of Ace, which led to the Marineford War, which led to Blackbeard ascending to Yonkou status. Despite it being so early in the series, the Alabasta arc has had a ripple effect that has lasted to this day.


The arc really had a 'series finale'-y feeling in it at the end.And the final gum gum storm on crocodile with the epic music caught me off guard.


if you think about it Crocodille is so much of a schemer that he has a back up plan to a back up plan


I cried so hard when Vivi said goodbye to the Straw Hats. I wanted her to join so bad. I'm happy we'll get to see her at Reverie, though.


You left out a small detail, and that’s the realization Smoker has when he’s saved by Zoro. He has a sense of what’s good and what’s evil in the world, which grows with his character as the series progresses. But nailed everything else either way


Oh HELL YEA ALABASTA! This Arc marked a big turning point in the series regarding length and scope of the stories that will be told! Also my favourite Strawhat pirate, Nico Robin finally joins the crew after this arc. I cant wait until you get to Enies Lobby since that is my favourite arc in the whole series!


Seriously, love your reviews! There are so many YouTubers I want to shorten their videos. But you always make me want to hear more! I’d like to hear a deeper break down of the arcs!


I think the fight of Usopp and Chopper's opponents, we got to know that objects are able to "eat" Devil Fruits and gain the abilities, which was unheard of at that time.


Alabasta is one of my favorite arcs, especially when it came to the fights. Each straw hat had to quickly find a way to beat their opponent, while being held back for their own reason.


I'm actually watching the Alabasta arc right now...I can say without a doubt the albasta arc is much better in the anime.... we spend more time getting to know ace, the filler is enjoyable, and the fight between luffy and vivi is much more epic & emotional in the anime... If you fully wanna enjoy the alabasta arc. Watch the anime...


Still my all time favorite One piece arc even to this day. Reminds me a little of Laurence of Arabia (amazing film watch it when you have the time). Whole Cake and Water 7/Enis Lobby are exceedingly close, but alabasta is a special arc for me that officially made me a One Piece fan for life.

I can think of maybe two arcs in all of shounen I prefer over it (Chimera Ants and Dark Tournament)


This arc was lit. Glad u review these older arcs for that nostalgia


I find it almost unbelievable that majority of the Alabasta arc took place over the course of about 9 and a half hours.


I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, GREATEST ONE PIECE YOUTUBER


Alabasta kinda lost me halfway through, then they started fighting the number agents and I was interested again. Ah, the magic of fight scenes


39 episodes?! I thought there was a lot more than that🤔


Nice video as always! I love these arc reviews!


This arc was just amazing. Might be my love for Civil Wars talking but this is my 2nd favorite arc currently.


To this day, Alabasta is still my favorite arc in the show. I understand why some like later arcs more, and Enies Lobby is very, VERY close second for me, especially since Robin is one of my favorite characters, but this one just hit all the points that I wanted it too. I was never disappointed with this arc and I still go back and rewatch it now again just to see all the moments I love again. It's also one of the reasons I can enjoy the Episode of Alabasta movie. Yeah on it's own and with no context it's not great, but seeing all these fights with the new smoother and faster animation is a lot of fun! To top it off, the Straw Hats saying goodbye to Vivi is a scene I can watch over and over and I'll tear up every single time. The first time I saw it I remember crying with a big smile on face when they raised those arms into the air. Wow, look at me gush. I'll stop.


Vivi had a second though lesser moment in Alabasta as she pleaded with the guards and the rebel citizens to stop fighting. It was extremely well done and showed her passion for all of her people. Sure it's overshadowed by her speech to Luffy and the Strawhats, but it's still a powerful moment for her character. Also, this is the arc that establishes Luffy and Bon Clay's epic friendship.
