Alabasta Is Hilarious

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Croc really had the worst day of his life.

-Music by: Jason Mays
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I like the idea that to all op villains, Luffy is a freakishly stubborn cockroach that just won't die, and after smacking it for 30 minutes he starts flying


I think it's also funny from Chopper's perspective. He just joined the crew on a detour they took and is immediately put into this Civil War with these people he only barely knows.


Crackhead is actually the best way to describe luffy to an outside observer. He is literally batshit insane. Nothing he does makes sense. Decades of villian planning down the drain due to a crackhead just randomly showing up and destroying everything in his path for no rhyme or reason.


"get em crackhead, save us captain crackhead" gets me everytime😂


"If you're not a minority, you're not a priority."
-The green haired samurai who wanted to be a pirate hunter but got kicked off the force for police brutality.


I love the panel where Crocodile sees Luffy show up for the third time, and he shouts "How many times do I have to kill you before you're satisfied?!"


“I just like fighting”😂😂😂😂 the confusion crocodile must’ve felt that day bro I could only imagine tears


One moment you didn't mention in the Little Garden arc. When they get trapped in the wax Vivi looks over and sees the green haired samurai who wanted to be a pirate hunter but got kicked off the force for police brutality striking a fucking pose for no reason. You start freaking out and ask him what he's doing when they're all about to die and he goes, "Yeah, but I'm gonna look fresh as fuck after I'm dead" and you realize that he's more worried about having his death look good than trying to figure out how to get out of the situation. And then later when you're complaining that it's getting harder to move because of the wax hardening he starts telling you "Well, you should have struck a pose earlier when you had the chance" acting like you regret not striking a pose and that that was the reason you were complaining that you couldn't move anymore.


Bro, now imagine how Doflamingo felt, not only was he on a similar situation to Crocodile but it's also a well know fact that the Dressrosa arc happened in a single day... in which Crackhead and company arrived at your island at around sunrise and finished everything before sundown, being generous here, it took AT MOST around 12 hours for them to ruin your entire operation of over a decade and beat up your entire family... AND the only reason they didn't defeat you EVEN FASTER was because half of the crew went to the next arc early, considering you're a main antogonist being hyped up ever since the end of the Jaya arc as an insane bigshot, the moment you get your main piece of the story you literally got any% speedran, bro, that HAS to be one the MOST DISRESPECTFUL the straw hats have EVER been towards a main antagonist in their own arc.


Dawg the way you describe the straw hats made me realize just how good they are at being pirates. From an outside perspective, the straw hats are some of the most batshit insane pirates to ever sail the seven seas. Like holy crap.

At this point I’m surprised that when people see Luffy they don’t just go “Brother please just leave me alone
I can’t do this today”


8:58 I love how Chopper is the ONLY person in the crew so far who is treated as a good and non-problematic living being


That green-haired samurai that wanted to be a pirate hunter, until he got kicked off the force for police brutality sure is something else!


Crocodile vs. Luffy is the perfect contrast to show the classic lesson of "the more you plan the more that can go wrong."
Crocodile's plan has 100 gears and those gears have failsafes, but once that lunatic trashed it all, there was no salvaging it. Can't get every Baroque member out of jail, can't regain the people's trust in you or Warlords in general, you can't re-open the Casino or frame the king again, it's over. That's why his next plan with the Cross Guild has nothing to do with Pluton, he just had to move on.
Luffy's plan was Step 1: set sail from Windmill Village Step 2: Become Pirate King. Did he immediately sink in a whirlpool before even finding a single crewmate? Yes, among other hiccups on the journey. But despite taking nearly 3 years, no step has technically failed yet. If anything, the goal is more within grasp than ever before.


The way he said Zoro's whole title every time had me dead 😂


I will never not be amused that "Nico Robin in the Cowboy Hat" is a separate character from Nico Robin.


Crocodile *hand shake* Doffy

doing literally everything right, having a perfect setup in place for their plan and only failing because some rubber idiot didn't understand how to lose


Calling him a “crackhead” is amazing because due to the exposition we’ve seen from the fodder on Shanks crew in chapter 1064 they say that Straw Hat luffy is know as a “rampaging demon monkey that’s totally out of his mind” lol. Basically a crackhead.


The end makes Luffy freeing Crocodile in Impel Down so much more funny.
„Yea, I put you in here, because I really liked fighting you and couldn’t stop. So now I’ll be breaking you out of the most secure prison in the whole world. Why? Because my crackhead powers allow me to.“


What makes Alabasta hilarious when viewing things from Crocodile's perspective is just how thoroughly he plans for things, and more importantly, his various contingencies for his plans: he tosses Vivi what seems to be the key to the cage the Straw Hat Pirates are in, but it was actually a fake key and he had the real key the whole time, or how the bomb he planned to use to blow up the main square in Alubarna is actually on a timer just in case something happens to prevent it getting launched out of the cannon, or how even though he's a Logia user who can't be touched he has a poisonous hook hidden underneath his regular hook, and if that hook (which he's unlikely to ever need to use) somehow breaks off, he's got a knife hidden underneath it. And yet, despite all the back-up plans he has, they all still fly in his face: the minion he THOUGHT he killed somehow survived and the Straw Hat Pirates used his powers to escape, one of Vivi's personal guards pulls off a heroic sacrifice (something Crocodile would never consider this possibility because he things friendship and trusting in others is a weakness), and Monkey D. "Crackhead" Luffy, no matter how many times Crocodile puts him down, still keeps coming back up and is overpowerhing him. I especially love the brief moment Crocodile has reflecting on when he first heard about Luffy and how things got to this point, like it started with Crocodile thinking the Unluckies were mistaken in thinking the Mr. 5 pair were defeated by him simply because he had never heard of Luffy by that point, and now this "Luffy" guy is wiping the floor with him. He literally goes through mental breakdown being all "GOD DAMMIT, I'M SIR FREAKING CROCODILE, I'M A WARLORD OF THE SEA, I FOUGHT FREAKING WHITEBEARD, YOU'RE NOBODY, LITERALLY NOBODY, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!!!" before finally getting his ass beat once and for all. It's as they say, pride comes before the fall.

It also doesn't help that his lack of connection to others might have also been his downfall. Like if he had been more connected to Mr. 3, he might have realizes that this guy who doesn't sound like Mr. 3 at all and is talking weirdly might, in fact, not be Mr. 3, and thus he wouldn't get so obviously tricked by Sanji. Twice, in fact.
