Robot Framework Beginner Tutorial 10 - How to run Tests from Command Line

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Today we will learn:
1. How to run one specific Test from cmd
2. How to run few selected Tests from cmd
3. How to run tests with TAGS from cmd
4. How to run all Tests in a Suite from cmd
5. How to send RESULTS to a specific folder

Useful TIPS

Step 1 : Open cmd and goto the location of project

Step 2 : Run single test
robot -t TestName SuiteFile

Step 3 : Run multiple tests
robot -t Test1 -t Test2 SuiteFile

Step 4 : Run Tests with TAGS
Include TAGS
robot --include tagName SuiteFile
robot -i tagName SuiteFile
robot -i tagName -i tagName SuiteFile
robot -i S* SuiteFile

Exclude TAGS
robot --exclude tagName SuiteFile
robot -e tagName SuiteFile
robot -e tagName -e tagName SuiteFile
robot -e S* SuiteFile

Step 5 : Run all tests in a test suite
robot suiteFile

Step 6 : Send results to a folder

Useful TIPS
Using regular expressions

how to make tags critical / non-critical

Command line options guide


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Thanks a lot for this series of videos and showing how easy and simple is to work with Robotframework and Selenium. Good wishes, lots of thanks!


Could you please make a video on, how to merge multiple output.xml files which is being created in RIDE IDE after running tests.


Very Good tutorial! Thank you, Raghav!


Hi Raghav, what is the batch command to run the submodule scripts from jenkins?


Hi Raghav

Great work! All your videos are very helpful as I have started with RF.
Looking forward for the same RF with PyCharm ide.


Hey, any command to log all your inputs etc to a file, used this => robot -d result -L trace -t Index-Login robo.robot, it is creating an output file which consist many irrelevant info as well, any leads ?


Hi Raghav... all your videos are very helpful and good.. Thank you for taking this effort in doing all this.
Can you please include video for Loopings(while, do while, for loop), conditional statement(if, else) in robot framework.


very good and well explain videos, , thanks for sharing on robotframework you didnot uploaded any video about linux machine working for this to upload a video for installation and working robot framework in virtualenvironment.


Hi Raghav Sir,
The way you constructed this tutorial is really simple but highly informative.I am very much benefited by this course.Currently i'm working with appium for mobile apps testing using robot framework.
If you please guide me any good tutorial for appium with robot, specially with multiple device parallel execution supported, it will be of immense help.

Thanks In Advance.Looking forward for some awesome videos on the same :)


Whats the content of testsuite1.txt : I know you would have chosen some testcases in it. But wanted to know how you have defined in the testsuite1.txt. I am unable to define 3 of my robot scripts in it


Hi Raghav, the approach you use is very easy to understand. Thank you for the easy learning video 😁. could you give me a small clarification that in the video we have seen the testsuite.txt file and i'm confused that what exactly the file contains. I had gone through all your videos but in previous videos ( how to create tags - beginners video 7 from 11:15 onwards ) you have used that existing one but not created new one..Since i'm very new to robotframework, bit lost in middle . It would be helpful if you could suggest how to create testsuit.txt file..Thank you once again. You're saviour 😍


Very Nice Video Raghav..Well Explained..Can we create reusable functions in RF..


Thanks Raghav for your videos, really helpful. I am looking for expect script execution in Robot Framework.
Can you guide me how to do that?
Thank you!


Hi Raghav,
Using Ride can we pass test data through Arguments ?
please help me if this is possible as i want to run same test case with multiple values (test data) instead of hard coding it.
when i try to add variables in arguments field it turn to red color with unknown error.
Assuming one default value to be set in variable, When i run this test case it should take the value that i wanna run (from arguments or any other option available) or by default it should take the value assigned to the variable.


Hi Raghav, Can you help me with how to open command prompt using robot framework in red..


Good videos and good job Raghav. Thanks for it. Will you be able to make a video for data parameterization, handling excel files, etc., in Robot


Thanks for the video Raghav..i could see logs and report are updated in project folder in your video. For me it is getting only updated in Temp folder. Can you pls let me know how to change that?


Hi Raghav all the videos are very good.
Can u make some videos like use of assertion, wait for specific conditions, selecting drop-down etc using robot framework.


When i give the commad to run from cmd..'robot' is not recognized as an internal or external command
Can you let me know how to fix it..


Hi Raghav
Can you please make a video on sending test results as an email to the QA engineers using robot framework?
