Kubernetes Storage 101 - Jan Šafránek, Red Hat & David Zhu, Google

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Kubernetes Storage 101 - Jan Šafránek, Red Hat & David Zhu, Google

Just getting started with Kubernetes?

In this introductory talk we’ll cover usage of persistent storage in Kubernetes so you can avoid its steep learning curve and common gotchas. Why does it look so complicated? What is a PersistentVolume? What is a PersistentVolumeClaim? Why are there two separate objects instead of just one? How is storage presented into my containers? How do I write scalable persistent applications? Where do I look to debug when storage is not working? How do I connect Kubernetes to my storage backend? What is this Container Storage Interface (CSI) thing that everybody is talking about??? We will answer all of these questions and more. You will leave this talk with a solid foundation for thinking about storage in Kubernetes as well as a greater understanding of how you can put the various pieces together to fit your unique use case.

Рекомендации по теме

How do we differentiate if an attribute is representing a literal value or is a reference value in YAML? For example, in your demo, the "name" attribute used in "volumes" and "volumeMounts".
