Kubernetes Volumes explained | Persistent Volume, Persistent Volume Claim & Storage Class

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Kubernetes Volumes | Kubernetes Persistent Volumes | Kubernetes Volume Claim | Kubernetes Volume Tutorial

Kubernetes doesn't provide data persistence out of the box, which means when a pod is re-created, the data is gone.
So, you need to create and configure the actual physical storage and manage it by yourself. Once configured, you can use that physical storage using Kubernetes storage components. In this video I show you 3 different Kubernetes volume components, that you need to use to connect the actual physical storage to your pod, so that the application inside the container can access it.

The 1st component "Persistent Volume" is a cluster resource, like CPU or RAM, which is created and provisioned by administrators. The 2nd component "Persistent Volume Claim" on the other hand is a user's or pod's request for a persistent volume. With the 3rd component "Storage Class" you can dynamically provision Persistent Volume component and so automate the storage provisioning process.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - The need for persistent storage & storage requirements
2:05 - Persistent Volume (PV)
6:33 - Local vs Remote Volume Types
7:38 - Who creates the PV and when? (Kubernetes Administrator and Kubernetes User Role)
9:03 - Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
10:33 - Levels of volume abstractions
12:17 - Why are these abstractions good?
13:40 - ConfigMap and Secret as volume types
15:52 - Multiple and different volume types in 1 pod
17:12 - Storage Class (SC)


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Рекомендации по теме

▬▬▬▬▬▬ T I M E S T A M P S
0:20 - The need for persistent storage & storage requirements
2:05 - Persistent Volume (PV)
6:33 - Local vs Remote Volume Types
7:38 - Who creates the PV and when? (Kubernetes Administrator and Kubernetes User Role)
9:03 - Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)
10:33 - Levels of volume abstractions
12:17 - Why are these abstractions good?
13:40 - ConfigMap and Secret as volume types
15:52 - Multiple and different volume types in 1 pod
17:12 - Storage Class (SC)


Whenever I have blind spot of Kubernetes, I search through this channel. And it never let me down.


Done thanks

Types of volumes:
1. Persistent volumes
2. Persistent volume claim
3. Storage class

When a pod is restarted, storage is deleted. Data persistence needs to be configured for applications that need storage between pod restarts. But you don’t know which node your pod will be restarted on, so the storage must be accessible from all nodes. Storage also needs to survive entire k8s cluster crashes/restarts

Persistent volume is a kubernetes resource (like RAM), gets created using yml file
The actual storage of the volume is taken from either local storage, external nfs servers, cloud storage
4:30 defining which storage backend to use for a PersistentVolume
Local storage has a nodeAffinity attribute
PersistentVolumes dont belong to a namespace, accessible to whole cluster
7:15 local vs remote volume types, but local volumes are not really persistent. They are specific to one node, and do not survive a cluster crash
Persistent volume objects should be created before the pods that depend on them
9:30 A persistent volume claim is a k8s object used by applications to claim the persistent volume
10:20 persistent volume claim is then used in the pod specification under the volumes: attribute
While persistent volumes are available in all namespaces, persistent volume claim must be in the same namespace as the pod using it
11:30 volume is mounted into the pod and also into the container in the pod that wants to use it
13:45 configmap and secret volume types
17:15 storage class


Being a Dyslexic and a visual person, these video's are invaluable to me. It would take 10 times longer to learn this if I had to actually read the manual from start to end. Thank you so much for doing this, it mean more to me then you will know.


Pv, pvc and storage class never seen any where explained this much neat and clearly 10000 thanks to nana…keep taught us


This is the second time I get to warch one of your k8s subject explanations and I am very impressed. The structure of the explanation is very well made. It always seem to build all the necessary "conceptual blocks" in advance and then creates a big picture out of it. How often have I read or watched tutorials that were just missing one or two crucial bits of info to make things truly clear ? Your work nails all these details every time, amazing ! It may not be how every one likes things being explained to them, but it really does it for me. Congrats and keep up the great work !


This was one of the best 20 mins I have ever spent learning something. Very clear explanation with visuals. Thanks :)


Once again, youve taken a concept that I have been struggling with and entirely cleared it up. Not just that though, you've provided a visual representation that will stick around every time i approach this topic. If only kubernetes made such visual effort in their docs.


Your a great trainer, never explained this much deeper on PV, PVC, and storage class


Nana, you are the best teacher for devops and cloud engineer in youtube! Thanks so much!


It's just amazing how you're able to explain everything that i need to know about this subject so well. Thank you so much, congrats for the great content


This video is so great. Your explanation is totally on the point.
The hard part is understanding the relationship among these components and having a general view of what they do, when to use and why we need them, your job is excellent in doing so.


Freshly joined a team working on a project with k8s and found this channel greatly deciphers the mysterious YAMLs in the codebase!


searching on this channel for devops content >> searching on entire yt. Thanks a lot for your efforts!!


I have only one thing to say... "God bless you!"


Thank you!! Your videos are clear, accurate, concise, and just great. They have helped me learn K8S in a very short time.


love all the simple explanation! Your videos and courses are a bliss to watch !! Never stop creating them. We all need you Nana :)


Great video! Data management is probably the biggest challenge in microservice driven architectures which are often implemented in k8s infrastructures. Volumes remaining "synched" with the orchestrator scheduler specially for DBs seems like a tabu for many instructors out there while in this video your just "grab the bull by its horns". Looking forward for those demos thank you.


This is really wonderful and usefull session for us. Because i have gone through more videos, I did not understand, , I an very clear PV, PVC, Storage, ConfigMap and secrets.With in 20 mins i got entire conepts about Storage compoents in K8s.


Fantastic, the way you explain in such a simple way is really helping a lot to understand each topic completely. And sharing such a well created video free is really the best thing happened for k8s professionals like us.
