Tough Love - What you need to hear to transform your home

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Are you tired of constantly tidying your home? Do you struggle with mess and clutter? Do you want more time, more money and more happiness? It's time for some Tough Love.

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I used to be a professional organizer. There is one trick that I used that I don't hear other people say. It is to have a uniform for 'work'. It tricks the mind that says, Okay time to work. Now, at home, I have the cutest apron. On the day I am going to do a heavy tasks-garden, bake, de-clutter or clean I put on my apron and get busy. It works.


Needed this 😁 I’m at a stage where if I start cleaning in rush, my dog sits by the door, he knows someone is coming 🤦‍♀️😂


My mom and I have fallen in love with a recent Pinterest idea where someone put a laundry basket in front of the christmas tree and told their kids if they wanna get they gotta give. Fill up the basket with toys THEY CHOOSE they don’t want or need anymore and donate what you can to daycares or charity! Brilliant way to get kids used to purging and also teach them to give away items they don’t use so someone else can benefit from it


Everything in our homes started out as money we need to remember that and stop buying things.


"Your brain is wired for gathering", that is brilliant!!! 🤞😊


I almost cried when you mentioned being embarrassed to have people over, i kill myself cleaning in circles around my small kids and still feel ashamed when my family walks in and says stuff like, "oh these kids don't need birthday gifts, you can barely see their floor, movie theater it is" when THEY are the ones that have filled my home with all this junk for them. And I am afraid to throw things out because most times we can't afford to replace things but i haven't taken a really good look at what the stuff actually is that's filling the closets so thank you for helping me let go.


When I was a kid my mom helped grandma move from her farm house life to a smaller suburban neighborhood and it was a huge strain on my mom with all the stuff she had to deal with. It pushed me to live more simply and not cling on things. If I had words when I was a child, I would have told my parents that I didn't want stuff, but peace, kindness, gentleness is what I craved most.


"More stuff is gonna solve your stuff-problem. That's not how it works!" Haha, perfectly said!


Amen! ;) We just decluttered a 2-car garage that was full: top to bottom, side to side. 100 bags of trash. 8 carloads of donation items. 4 trips to the dump with bulk items. Took 3 months, working with a friend. There were tears. There was shame. There was regret. But, it's done, and we couldn't be happier! ;)


when i was growing up my mother would say "this house needs a good throwing away" and she did.


Thank you for giving me permission to stop saving things I don’t even need or want.


The first time I "decluttered" my house, my palms perspired the whole time. That was nearly 20 years ago! I have a dollar store basket on the go at all times for thrift store donations. There is always something that needs to go in the basket. Over the past 12 years, I have gone from a 2-storey, 4 bedroom home (empty nester) to a one bedroom (540sq ft) apartment.


Best thing I ever did was value my happiness and sanity over my stuff. I don’t buy stuff, and don’t keep stuff.


After watching Hot Mess House and some episodes of Hoarders, I was able to clear out our library/ guest room. It makes me so happy to walk by and see that clean room! On to the next room!


I want to watch this everyday! So powerfully motivating! “If you are tidying all the time: you have too much stuff!” Guilty!


Fantastic video! A couple years ago my husband and I did just this, but on a GIGANTIC scale. We had boxes from 3 moves prior we had never opened and literal junk accumulating everywhere. I rented the largest dumpster I could get for a week (I’m sure my neighbors loved me) and we filled it to the brim! We took 10 or so car loads of stuff to donate to Salvation Army. We just wanted it gone. We left so free afterward.

We just moved and during the packing/staging process we decluttered again, but obviously on a smaller scale - no dumpster required. 🤣

We were able to completely unpack in 2 days, except for the few boxes which will be unpacked into new furniture to be delivered in a month.

Moral of the story, just do it! Cass is so right, it’s hard, can be emotional, but your life and home are worth it and will be better off for having done it.


I think your videos would help brainwash server hoarders because I find when I stop watching ur videos for a few days I start to slip on all the effort I put in so I think to myself right time to watch some clutterbug videos and it gets me motivated again😊


I'm not brave, I'm desperate. I'm tired of all the mess and clutter but have such anxieties about 'decluttering' especially in baby steps. This was what I needed to hear.


I was a homeless drug addict for 3yrs, thankfully I made better decisions, found wonderful assistance, support, job, small apartment, and have been sober since, for 2yrs now..going from having nothing, now I have way too hard to let go of things I really don't need, but feel emotionally attached to those things, that have been gracefully given or have proudly purchased by have truly given the best advice, and your content has been most valuable for me and my journey in my new life! Slowly, , but surely I'm applying and putting your advice into action..Thank you from the bottom of my heart😊😁 for being such a great help!!


We are about to be living in an RV for the next year or decluttering is about to get fiercely real around here😅
