Opinion: is the UK moving towards government by decree? | FT

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Covid, Brexit, terrorism: the FT's legal commentator David Allen Green offers a guided tour of the justifications and history behind legislation by decree.

Written and narrated by David Allen Green, produced by Tom Hannen

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When Tyranny becomes law Resistance becomes duty!


This article has echoed my own fears. The government has become routinely in favour of issuing decrees about how we must conduct OUR lives, and is becoming less likely to relinquish those powers that it has awarded itself. The old saying that "power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely" is becoming more evident. This was the case when an old chap who heckled Tony Blair was arrested under Terrorism legislation.
I have previously worked in the NHS where we attempted to provide a health service, but now, we cannot even get a dental appointment because of government decree. Clap for the NHS? This is more like North Korea!
One worrying thing that has escaped media notice is that for years, the people have wanted more police on the beat for protection against CRIME. It is only now that the government wants to keep the citizens compliant that there is a recruitment drive.
The comment about Cavaliers is very appropriate.


One thing I know now that I did not before is Boris is airing on the side of being a dictator and must go.


Thank you for watching this video essay.

As always, I am happy to respond to constructive and sensible points when I can.


Just take a gander at what is happening to Assange, there is no independent justice system.


"When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty"


Fascinating essay. Certainly food for thought in the coming years.


Excellent overview. Its very instructive to look at the the reasons the government is bringing in the Internal Markets Bill which Johnson said yesterday in Parliament he finds it “totally baffling” that the SNP is not supporting the internal market bill.'

Of course the SNP cannot support the IMB.
Aside from the fact it breaks international law on the NI Protocol - and gives Westminster ministers power to repeatedly break International law by use of statutory instruments, as SNP MP Joanna Cherry QC pointed out in the debate during the first reading of the IMB, the Act of Union between Scotland and England explicitly preserves 'Scotland's laws for Scotland' and so two separate legal systems. The IMB completely overrides this by giving UK ministers the power to override any Scottish laws and impose by English laws and rulings of English law courts by fiat. It's nothing less than a constitutional coup de etat.
I fear that much worse is yet to come. Not surprising given the major driver of Brexit was the desire of hard right Tories (and the hard left of Labour) to take the UK outside EU law and the Copenhagen Principles it is built on.


The answer is yes ! And we all know it, hence this video.


This must be the most depressing time for British people to be alive and living in the UK.


It's time for change. We don't trust and don't agree with most of the suicidal ideas these idiots have.


What can we expect from a population bred upon a diet of “Question time” . Maybe the time has come for “Answer time” . It has never been in the interest of those elected to solve problems but only to capitalise from them .


10k pounds is absurd amount of money to use as a fine. People make mistakes. A fine of 100 to 300 pounds is more than sufficient. Unless someone is sneezing in peoples faces and shouting "I have the covid-19, have at you!" 10 thousand pounds cannot be justified. People are already suffering from the financial crisis brought on by the virus, imagine making a dumb mistake and having to give up your apartment to pay a fine to a state that promoted herd immunity and risked people's lives in the first place.


The first thing that struck me when scrolling through the Withdrawal Act was how many “ministers may....” Now we see why the right wing were so fond of what they pretended was “parliamentary” sovereignty.


Very interesting and I think correct - but I disagree that "there is no obvious way this problem can be addressed" A written constitution that guarantees the rights of all citizens and that is supreme to parliamentary law could address this problem. And if such a document were to be the product of widespread and well-organised citizen assemblies it could really transform politics in the UK (and if it's done very well it could inspire other states) and that really would be a case of the people taking back control.

It's great that someone is highlighting this issue of using SIs to make laws.


aren't these statutory instruments contestable? why are they not being contested


how do we fix this then? Written constitution limiting power of the govt.


Up until now (at least for the past 260 odd years since the 'glorious revolution') what has kept governments largely in check has been the democratic norms of behavior. Now both main parties show an increasing lack of respect for such norms, a check is need.


'moving TOWARDS Government by decree?' what a stupid question. We've had Government by decree for quite some time now.


how is it different form china and russia?
