DON'T Move to the UK WITHOUT Watching this! | Is life in the UK EASY?

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DON'T Move to the UK WITHOUT Watching this! | Is life in the UK EASY?

Is life in the UK Easy? What can you expect from life in the UK and what is the reality of living in the UK?

In this video, I break down what you need to keep in mind before you move to the UK, what you need to check and what to expect from your life in the UK.

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DON'T Move to the UK WITHOUT Watching this! | Is life in the UK EASY?

I moved from India to the UK a year ago with my family and dogs and it’s been challenging to say the least. Since we moved to England, we’ve had our fair share of challenges. Some expected, some not.

I put out a new video every week on moving to the UK including UK work visas and UK student visas and life in the UK once you get here so if you plan on moving to the UK, this is the channel for you!

#UKVisa #IndiatoUK #MovetoUK #JobsinUK

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Keywords: Don't move to the Uk without watching this, Still worth moving to the UK,Is this the right time to move to uk,the truth about the UK,living in the UK,living in England,living in London,should you move to England,moving to the uk from india,move to the uk from india,india to uk,india to england,living in the uk,living in england,right tiem to move to uk,right Tim to move to uk,living in england as an indian,Still worth moving ot the uK?,Is this the right time to move to the UK

00:00 Introduction
00:56 Don't come to the UK unless you do the math
04:02 Don't come to the UK unless you understand sponsored job potential with visa
04:42 Don't come to the UK expecting to invest your money
05:19 Don't come to the UK if you don't want to change
06:59 Don't come to the UK without understanding the whole picture
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I came to the UK as a student year 2007, recession hit in 2008 and I lost my part time job, I was dead broke. But I hassled in the cold harsh weather, completed my studies, got a job, saved money, set-up a firm, sold the firm in 2021 and retired. It all happened in 13 years. UK is not for the weak, if you want to be successful here then you have to integrate with British community and also depends on your mindset. Your current situation does not determine your future but your thoughts will.
I think I am the only person in the comment section that likes UK. This is a beautiful country, fresh air (outside London ofcourse), pure water and non gmo food, excellent private healthcare, good transportation networks, best restaurants in the world, best social life, Europe is 45 minutes away, and more importantly great people to socialise with.


You know Ashika? Your biggest plus point is that you always show the real and true picture of current situation of UK. Even our close relatives today don't provide such information because they feel fear that we would be more successful than them if we arrive in that country. Ashika you are much better than my close relatives!🙂


Your comments on the 2 major challenges in London

1. Poor customer service across sectors
2. Lack of policing leading to lor of petty crime


We currently live on the Big Island of Hawaii and I think we’re in a unique position to be able to say that we’re going to save a lot of money when we move to London in a couple of years!


Life in the UK is easy I was earning 50k but with that salary you can't build nothing there because things are too expensive.


Hey Ashika, for investing try a company like Vanguard, which accepts international investors. If you don't know a lot about the stock market, invest in one or more of their funds, which are a diverse mix of different investments, usually mutual funds and ETFs. The idea of investing in a diverse group of companies is that it's less risky. The return is less than if you gamble on single companies, but you'll likely get more than the 1% in your savings account. It also doesn't take that much time to research and decide on what may be a good investment. Good luck!


The UK Government are managing economic decline whereas India is growing. Rental accommodation is astronomical due to a shortage of accommodation. Homelessness is rife and the natives are being forced out. Most immgrants lose out. You will need residency to get jobs. I have lived here all my life and it's hard for us natives. The streets are not paved with gold but maybe dog 💩 if you don't be careful.


The NHS is good in theory, but for someone coming from a India it is simply not acceptable to have long waiting periods to meet a doctor.


I personally dislike living in the uk and am myself a self employed person living in a seaside resort in the north of England but a lot of uk people have different opinions depending upon there experiences and situation eg a person living in the city who has a good job and too preoccupied with it might think differently or the wealthy like the politicians and the royals . But personally I feel the only real positives about living here are the royal family, free nhs (which we have to pay for in our taxes anyways ), and the economy, employment and education even though where I live there isn’t much of that . But for most it’s getting generally very hard for the young to find cheap housing, education is very expensive as your paying over £40k in student loans for a degree, food prices and inflation are rising rapidly, a government who is full of promises who’s hardly delivering and isn’t really focused on the people but keeping themselves in power and concentrating on legally lining there own pockets and there’s a lot of inter party conflicts and dismissal , cost of renting has gone sky high, a lot of people can be quite unsociable if your a stranger and a lot of people are weary of each other and there are a lot of social and health issues, isolation and depression - overburdened nhs and long waiting times . The crime rate is fairly high in some parts . Some of the place looks gloomy - rundown shops and old houses, factories, warehouses and a lot of pollution including the air, water and all the chemicals in our overprocessed food - we are one of the most unhealthiest countries in Europe. Loads of homeless and people living in poverty looking to food banks, immigrants - brexit was supposed to have helped but it hardly hasn’t which was about the only distinctive thing the conservatives managed to achieve for us in the last 30 odd years and where I live there are large hotels housing these immigrants whilst the local council ignores the English homeless and druggies and prostitutes and other groups on the fringes of society that are living on the streets just outside . We also aren’t in with the euro like the rest of Europe so it costs more to go on holidays and the hassle of conversion and other problems it brings such as having to pay extra on buying goods from abroad as well as the problems this caused our businesses . Yeah we have the freedom to criticise the government at least which we do a lot of but we wouldn’t have to criticise the government in the first place if we had a good one . But a lot of it for me is the weather- most of the time in England the weather is crap especially in the north where I live - I work from home so because I don’t have loads of friends and family I like to go outdoors a lot to exercise and get fresh air to reduce the boredom of being inside but most the time the weather is gloomy eg it’s like I wanted to go for a long walk the other day and it was it down all day for two days in a row and it’s mid summer - then we get tons of windy cloudy miserable days were it’s hard to motivate yourself to even leave the house - the weathers so unpredictable in the uk as well and you never know how it’s going to behave from one moment to another and that’s just summer - then there’s winter - freezing, raining, windy, Ice, cloudy, and where I live it starts geting dark very early and in mid winter it starts getting dark by 1pm and it can be dark as early as 3pm- and it’s almost as bad as this for almost half the year and it’s so depressing . And then when you eventually get a good day but because you’ve been so depressed having been stuck inside because of the bad weather you find it hard to motivate yourself to go outside and you’ll find you need a car a lot of the time especially in winter but it is a bit warmer in the south if your lucky enough to live there or can afford to live there but it’s not much warmer there either and there can be flooding in some parts . Then there’s all the heating bills you have to pay just to keep your house warm most of the year . Then when you do go outside your breathing in all the crap air full of pollutants so your probably doing yourself more harm than good and especially a lot of the beaches are polluted and the water is freezing and a lot of the food is highly processed and a lot of people are in poor health . I hate the UK- it’s just a small crappy post industrial island . I mean there are worst places in the world and other countries have there own problems but it wouldn’t be a bad place if the weather was better and the days were longer in winter as our economy is quite good and there are some interesting places to visit and there are things to do eg night clubs, bars, theatres, theme parks, cinema, beaches, countryside, large city centres and shopping, parks etc but when the weathers bad they are not that appealing . I personally wouldn’t recommend people come to live here if they have good weather and standard of living in there own country unless they are from a poor country with little prospects and not even for a holiday unless you want to visit a few of places worth visiting that have some cultural heritage like London inc Westminster or oxford or a warmer seaside resort like Cornwall - don’t bother with the rest . That’s why a lot of people move abroad from here which is what am going to do soon and am sure I’ll never look back .


Conversion to INR to compare cost of living is wrong...


The student course academic year is difficult with not much regular income from few part time jobs. The rent prices have increased for accommodation


Hey Ashika
Do you know InvisaSky from India. If so, are they a reliable traveling agency.


very detailed and intensive video.. Truth is nobody should have to come especially UK these days as india or pakistan is still way cheaper and affordable so dont get in this trap.Inflation is worlwide and try to stay in the country in which one is already at.


Don't move here, we're full.


It’s a big regret for me that why I chose this country for my Masters degree 😢


your video very informative, you look gorgeous, can you guide about some genuine immigration consultants who charge reasonable fees


Such situations are same in every country.Don't demotivate students who want to come .


Were can we kindly get information of expenses vs income



I got on offer letter from University of Birmingham for September intake(MSc)and Iam planning to bring along my wife and kid. Is it a good idea to bring now?


Hai sister, Is there a neuroscience jobs is good in united kingdom
