Fender vs Gordon Smith Guitar Comparison

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Two very different #guitars which cover remarkably similar sonic territory: #GordonSmith GS1.5 & #Fender Deluxe Nashville Telecaster

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Hi John, very interesting demo as usual. I have to say I clearly heard a tone difference between the 2, recognizing the cristal clear highs of the tele, and the warmth of the GS ... until the 12 bar blues solo with gain, when I coudn't hear any difference ! Look wise I prefer the Tele but tone wise I prefer the GS. But as you said do I prefer coffee or wine, I need both depending on timing and mood, haha. By the way I have a G&L ASAT Classic Bluesboy: a Tele with humbucker in neck position and a powerful single in bridge position, somewhat like an hybrid of your tele/GS. Thanks again for your nice work 👍


Many years ago I played in a band with a guy who had a Gibson SG 200. It had single coil pickups and sounded exactly like a tele. One day I played it, and the bass player remarked it was the first time it ever sounded like a Gibson!
Yes, the sound is in your hands.
Bill Ward


Thank you for an honest comparison...I'm so tired of listening to younger people on youtube claiming big differences in sound between guitars while I'm listening and scratching my head thinking, "What?" I've never bought a guitar because it had a unique sound...it was always the way it felt in my hands, first and foremost, because it can't be changed or manipulated with an amp or effects box. Guess that's why I'm retired, sigh.


Thanks as always John! Great work! I certainly wouldn't say no to either guitar.


Interesting comparison John. Great playing.


Enjoyed that comparison thanks. I too like a beer and a curry, why not combine these whilst listening to a bit of my all time favourite guitarist, Gary Moower. Love the videos, keep up the good work and have a great weekend.


Remarkable similarities. Altogether quite fascinating.


I couldn't Tele a difference John. I have only heard of GS guitars and have not played one. Good to know my Tele will hold a tune to it though. Always like the videos. Have you had a chance to play the Fender Pawn Shop 51? It is a HS without a tone knob but it does have a coil split. I like because I am not fiddling about with a tone knob. You just play and get what you get. Of course I can EQ some with pedals but I never have to try and remember what my tone knob setting was for any particular song only what pickup I was in.


I love that Gordon Smith of yours, even if I could afford one, any the same as yours are hard to find. nice playing again, thanks.


First off - I like your playing and your piece kinda homage to Parisienne Walkways in the nicest way. Those are both fine guitars and you don't have to choose between them. I can't choose between my anniversary Gretsch and my American Fender Strat with noiseless pickups and compound radius fretboard. Also, its not just about sounds which admittedly are very close in your case...
It's very much about the feel and the inspiration the guitar gives the player.
I'm older than dirt and even cosmetics matters to me. I like classic shapes, bursts, colours and headstocks and natural woods (I hate reverse headstocks maybe I associate it with punk or maybe its just my age).


Tele has more treble and spank in every setting, especially as the tone on the bridge pup was turned down too. The middle and neck settings were a lot easier to spot, although have to admit the GS wasn't that far off the sound of the Tele. The settings with gain are almost indistinguishable.


It's a conversation I've had with other players many times over the years - does the sound come from the gear or the player?

Answers on a postcard...


Like you said John, once they're in the mix who can actually tell the difference!...


Good vid John, I saw a Phil McKite video the other day when he had a Stromnium? guitar, swapping the pickups about. He said it made him play differently from the different sounds produced by the different pickups. How was the different feel of the guitars affecting your sound? Or was you playing the tones you were getting from your guitars? Anyway, enjoy blowing the froth of some cold one's John I'm off down the shop for a bottle of Jameson's its only £15. It would be rude not to.


Both are great and versatile, but the tele is hugely popular and probably a bit under rated. GS do make exceedingly good guitars though. Great video


Just goes to show how similar two different guitars can sound.
As stated below, a lot is down to the player, no two players sound the same.


Gordon Smith make some great guitars playability great mate had one years ago fine if the playing was gary moore it was in the wrong key unless just sounds like it


Good morning from Texas John. I can't quite get my fingers working properly as of yet.


Errrr. You should errr, definitely become a DJ. I'm not saying that because you've got a face for radio 😉, but your voice would be excellent. Intelligent, gentle with a particularly articulate Northern twang.

Forgive me for any negative vibes this will appear to come with, but the only problem I have with these comparisons is the inclusion of modulation/doubling/chorus on all tracks. Reverb is a little too heavy too. Other than that, you've done a brilliant job


Thumbs up for Gordon Smith, you don't have to be an American guitar to be good and i tend to prefer American guitars !
