Nuclear Fusion: Updates & Impacts

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Explore the latest breakthroughs in nuclear fusion technology and their potential global impacts.

Nuclear Fusion: Updates & Impacts
Episode 472a; November 10, 2024
Produced, Narrated & Written: Isaac Arthur
Editors: Darius Said & Dillon Olander
Jeremy Jozwik
Ken York YD Visual
Mafic Stufios
Udo Schroeter
Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images
Stellardrone, "In Time", "Divine Cosmos", "Red Giant"
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What we need to invent is a nuclear power plant that can built within one election cycle


My favorite way to spend an hour every Sunday.

"90% more R's" cracked me up. Having seen the progress you've made with your speech over time, it's something I forget about until you bring it up!


"Now with 90% more letter 'r's" was comedy gold. Nicely done.


Just wanted to say that your channel is a good chunk of the reason I just started pursuing a degree in Nuclear Engineering this year! I hope to work on fusion, but we'll see. Thanks for always inspiring me!


I'm hoping I'm early enough that you'll see this. I want to apologize, to you, Mr. Arthur. Many years ago, when your channel was new, I saw a single video and I think I made some comment about your speech impediment and how I found it annoying at the time. It stemmed from a real difficulty understanding your words at the time, but I didn't express that respectfully. I was a stupid kid, and have grown a lot over the last 12 or so years. This, of course, doesn't excuse my comment, but I hope it puts it into perspective.

I came back to your channel after years, and have popped in from time to time ever since. I really admire the way you seem to embrace who you are, and are able to poke fun at yourself. It's a pair of skills I've come to value the older I get. I also noticed you added the ability to turn on CC. Giving people that option does far more than simply clarify your speech, but improves accessibility for those hard of hearing. While I think that's really cool, a part of me has wondered if that comment I made all those years ago was far more hurtful than I could have understood at the time.

I admit, I'm doing this in part for my own selfishness to ease my own conscience. Even so, I want to apologize for any pain my lack of consideration may have caused. Thank you for the work you do. It really has been wonderful to see the amount this channel has grown since the orbital mass driver video.


Hydrogen Bomb manufacturers prefer the term "one time reactor" for their product.


Honestly man, I've been listening so long that maybe the issue is you've trained us to be able to hear you better. But I hardly notice it anymore, I'm just hear for the awesome... thanks for delivering!


Isaac doesn't have a speech impediment, he has a genetic accent. ❤ Every time isaac talks about a single atom being freed it reminds me of lightning. Lightning making O3 with a side product of O. The free radicals are the singular atoms electromagnetically searching for other atoms to be with.


This is honestly my favorite topic on the channel. Ever since I've watched the original video about fusion from 8 years ago I've been hooked on the channel and became very optimistic about the future, OUR future, something we all are likely to witness.

The progress may be slow, but it IS there.

Cheers, all the best, and waiting (im)patiently for the bright world of tomorrow.


I really like XKCDs analogy that volume-wise, an iguanas natural metabolism is roughly the heat produced from fusion in the sun, as a great example of the square cube law


Could we please see an episode about The Future of Medical Technology?


Thank you. This is the first video on fusion where I don't feel like I'm being spoonfed wikipedia articles or being led through a sarcastic snarkfest. Please keep making cool stuff like this!


Thanks for the in-depth explanation of how fusion works. The best I’ve heard so far on YouTube. All too often if one clicks on a fusion video there will be the same three minute rehash of the difference between fission and fusion with the same light explanation of the basics of fusion. For the first time I felt as if I was treated to a real dive into the topic. Videos like this is one of the many reasons your channel stands out on YouTube.


Has there been any episodes on settling alien planets with already rich life? Not necessarily intelligent life but more about how you cope with it like crossing diseases or eating alien life.


Your pronunciation of R over the years has improved so much. I’ve been watching for years and you inspire me to reach personal goals rather than just focus on professional ones!


Got a beer and a pack of hot chilli and lime chips 🎉


Isaac Arthur, sir. I’ve been listening to you since about episode 20. Count this as random and heartfelt. You mention a speech impediment. No one notices. It’s like a brand. You are intelligible and intelligent, which is rare.

So don’t know if you’ll read this, but if you do, we get it. I’m Asperger’s and worry constantly. I reckon most of your loyal viewers are similar.

Hard to do, dude, but your voice is an asset.

Anyway, that’s all.

Keep going. LOVE your channel


Happy Arthursday everyone! Wait... Isaacsunday?!


Fusion Inventor Elevator pitch to the CEO of an energy company -"Fusion energy creation too cheap to meter..."

Before the elevator door closes, CEO take's the stairs!!"


From one Vet to another youre doing an amazing job, keep it up! Ive been a follower for over 5 years now and your content keeps getter better each year.
