Misirlou - Greek Version - Μισιρλού

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I believe this version of the song is performed by the group:
Athinaiki Kompania / Αθηναϊκή Κομπάνια.



Μισιρλού μου, η γλυκιά σου η ματιά
Φλόγα μου 'χει ανάψει μες στην καρδιά.
Αχ, για χαμπίμπι, αχ, για λελέλι, αχ,
Τα δυο σου χείλη στάζουνε μέλι, αχ.

Αχ, Μισιρλού, μαγική, ξωτική ομορφιά.
Τρέλα θα μου 'ρθει, δεν υποφέρω πια.
Αχ, θα σε κλέψω μέσ' απ' την Αραπιά.

Μαυρομάτα Μισιρλού μου τρελή,
Η ζωή μου αλλάζει μ' ένα φιλί.
Αχ, για χαμπίμπι ενα φιλάκι, άχ
Απ' το γλυκό σου το στοματάκι, αχ.


My Misirlou (Egyptian girl), your sweet glance
Has lit a flame in my heart.
Ah, ya habibi, ah, ya leleli, ah (Arabic: Oh, my love, Oh, my night‎)
Your two lips are dripping honey, ah.

Ah, Misirlou, magical, exotic beauty.
Madness will overcome me, I can't endure [this] any more.
Ah, I'll steal you away from the Arab land.

My black-eyed, my wild Misirlou,
My life changes with one kiss
Ah, ya habibi, one little kiss, ah
From your sweet little lips, ah.


Misirlou, ton doux regard
A allumé une flamme dans mon cœur,
akh yakhabibi, akh ya leleli, akh,
Tes lèvres de miel, oyme!

Ah! Misirlou, beauté magique et enchanteresse
Je deviens fou, je ne peux plus souffrir
Ah! Je vais te voler à l'Arabie

Ma Misirlou aux yeux noirs
Un seul de tes baisés allume une flamme en moi
akh yakhabibi, un petit baisé
de tes lèvres douces, oyme!

Ah! Misirlou, beauté magique et enchanteresse
Je deviens fou, je ne peux plus souffrir
Ah! Je vais te voler à l'Arabie

(Taken from Wikipedia)
Рекомендации по теме

Mia Hara !! My father played this song on his mandolin while we sang, seventy years ago.


What a voice. Amazing version! Listening from Brazil! 🇧🇷


Τελεια ερμηνεια σε αυτο το ελληνικο τραγουδι!


I remember when I was about 3or4 years old. In the 40's that was my uncle's favorite song I would hear it all the time.brought back beautiful memories.


Misirlou mou, i glikia sou i matia
floga mou ‘hei anapsei mes stin kardia,
ah giahabibi, ah gialeleli, ah
ta dio sou heili stazoune meli, oime.

Ah, Misirlou, magiki ksotiki omorfia,
trela tha mou ‘rthei, den ipofero pia,
ah, tha se klepso mes’ ap’ tin Arapia.

Mavromata Misirlou mou treli
i zoi mou allazei m’ ena fili,
ah giahabibi, m’ ena filaki, ah
ap’ to diko sou to stomataki, oime.


Yes it's an original Greek song dating the 1873 from the thriving Greek community of Cairo speaking about a legendary girl from Egypt that the singer praised her exotic beauty and he want to still her from Africa!


This song has captivated my heart and mind. I love it so much. This is a magical melody that never gets bored.


Just for make things clear, the image at 1:40 is actually Tirion, city of the Noldor (High Elves) in Valinor. You can see the silver lantern in Ingwë's tower. This was painted by Ted Nasmith by the way...


Beautiful version, I have always wondered what Miserlou means and now I know.
She says something in Arabic "ah ya habiby" which means "oh my love"


Beautiful version. Clarinet adds a nice solo.


This is the original sound. It began like this and was evolved to all the other versions.


Very soothing music and the singer is wonderfully talented!


These are so great different not too often are they seen even in my lifetime.unbelievable graditude.


Few instrumental music can conjure up such an exotic ambiance of mystique and alluring imagery. Ah, the singing is about a romantic admiration towards a maiden of foreign origin. Little wonder there is that haunting tone and feeling.

Incredulously, this grass-root traditional folk tune finds its admirers in the modern heavy metal genre abroad. There are a few versions of pop arrangements that convey the same feeling in an outlandish clash of electronic guitar and rhythmic droning frenzy.

Romantic induction – that peculiar human propensity cannot find better artistic expression!


MIA XARA!!! A Beautiful Greek Song sung with an EASTERN Motif.


3:58 - 4:04 that high note was sick ❤️


Μισιρλού μου, η γλυκιά σου η ματιά
φλόγα μου ‘χει ανάψει μες στην καρδιά,
αχ γιαχαμπίμπι, αχ γιαλελέλι, αχ
τα δυο σου χείλι στάζουνε μέλι, οϊμέ.

Αχ, Μισιρλού, μαγική ξωτική ομορφιά,
τρέλα θα μου ‘ρθει, δεν υποφέρω πια,
αχ, θα σε κλέψω μέσ’ απ’ την Αραπιά.

Μαυρομάτα Μισιρλού μου τρελή
η ζωή μου αλλάζει μ’ ένα φιλί,
αχ γιαχαμπίμπι, μ’ ένα φιλάκι, αχ
απ’ το δικό σου το στοματάκι, οϊμέ.

I'm not Greek, just studying Greek. Greetings from Finland.


I love this version. I have heard this tune as an instrumental folk dance, with Greek lyrics, Yiddish lyrics, as klezmer, and as a surfer tune. I don't think it is so clear that the Greek version with lyrics is the earliest - it might have started as an instrumental in the Middle East. But who cares, really? It belongs to all of us.


This is the first greek version that impresses me. There was another arab one which had a equally unique taste


Lyrics: Misirlou mou, i glykia sou i matia

Floga mou chei anapsei mes stin kardia,

Ach giachampimpi, ach gialeleli, ach

Ta dyo sou cheili stazoune meli, oime.


Ach, Misirlou, magiki xotiki omorfia,

Trela tha mou rthei, den ypofero pia,

Ach, tha se klepso mes ap tin Arapia.


Mavromata Misirlou mou treli

I zoi mou allazei m'ena fili,

Ach giachampimpi, m'ena filaki, ach

Ap'to diko sou to stomataki, oime.
