Upload Multiple Files in Node.js with Cloudinary - Dev Hints

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We'll walk through how to loop through an array of files to upload which can be either images or videos and upload them to Cloudinary. We'll then see how we can upload multiple files in parallel with concurrency using npm package p-limit.

📝 Cloudinary Node SDK Upload Docs

💾 Uploading Multiple Files in Node

🧰 p-limit


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#cloudinary #devhints #nodejs #images #uploads #uploadvideo #webdevelopment
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Big shoutout to Sindre Sorhus for p-limit. I swear half the packages I use were written by this dude.


I’m having troubles uploading multiple images from my frontend in my MERN stack application.
I’m using FileReader to enable me preview the image before uploading, so I’m sending that result to cloudinery to save, but for some high resolution images, it returns a server error of “Field value too long”
I guest this is due to the length of the base64 the image is being converted to.
N.B my bodyParser server limit is set at 50mb.


In one of my personal project, I used cloudinary but i get error payload too large even after increasing the body-parser, I had to compress the image before upload which shouldn't be the case.
pls any thoughts on this.
