Prototyping With Variables in Figma [CONFIG 2023] | Advanced Tutorial

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Learn how to unleash the full power of variables to create a dynamic and interactive e-commerce cart. Discover conditional interactions, boolean and number variables, and see how to switch component variants using boolean variables.
Follow along as I guide you through each step, providing valuable insights and tips to help you enhance your prototyping skills. Unleash the full potential of Figma and transform your static designs into engaging, immersive experiences!
Video chapters:
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Stepper interactions
2:50 - Add items to cart
5:12 - Boolean variables with variants
6:41 - Setting total amounts
9:35 - Outro
Follow along as I guide you through each step, providing valuable insights and tips to help you enhance your prototyping skills. Unleash the full potential of Figma and transform your static designs into engaging, immersive experiences!
Video chapters:
0:00 - Intro
0:20 - Stepper interactions
2:50 - Add items to cart
5:12 - Boolean variables with variants
6:41 - Setting total amounts
9:35 - Outro
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