01 How to Use SPSS - An Introduction to SPSS for Beginners

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How to Use SPSS
Are you ready to learn how to use SPSS for your introductory statistics class? You have come to the right place. This is the first in a series of eight videos that will introduce you to using SPSS for introductory statistics. This series is designed for people with little or no experience with SPSS. You will learn about the SPSS work space, how to navigate between Data View and Variable View, how to create variables, and how to modify properties of variables. From there, we will move on to simple statistics and common statistical tests. This is SPSS for Beginners.

Note about the camera: the most common comment I get is about the camera work, particularly in this first video. We wanted to try something multi-cam and thought it might be cool to do black and white plus color plus movement. If the style is too much for you, I understand. I made the ultimate creative choices about the footage, so that is all on me. In the subsequent videos, there is much less movement. The SPSS content is still solid and I hope that it benefits you.

For more training about how to use SPSS, please check out these videos.

This video uses a dataset we create in the video series and SPSS version 24

Link to a Google Drive folder with all of the files that I use in the videos including spreadsheets, and the Bear Handout. As I add new files, they will appear here, as well.
To download, hover your cursor over the file icon and a blue download icon will appear. You do not need to request access to a file.

Permissions: Statistics instructors, you are granted permission to link to this video and all videos on this channel for teaching introductory statistics. If you use them, I would love to hear about where they are being used so I can document for professional service. – Dr. Daniel
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Two camera angles + a shaky black and white hand cam?! This guy takes stats seriously. Respect.


came here to learn SPSS and instead got a cinematic masterpiece


2:36 SPSS acronym
3:29 Intro for complete beginner
3:35 Opening SPSS application


I've learnt more in this 10 minute video than in a semester course in Statistics. Simply explained, easy to follow and understand. Thank you!


thank you, dr. todd daniel! i watched these videos in my second year of university and i am returning to them again as i wrap up my fourth. they've always done me well, thank you so much to you and your team for doing such a stellar job!


I have just finished
whole 8 video playlist and I have to say it was really useful
introduction. I have not used SPSS before and after 3 days of reading
up on stats and afterwards spending a day with your videos. I can say
that I can start using SPSS and even enter and analyse a bit of data.
Cheers again.


This professor has the incredible gift to be authoritative and pleasant from the first second.God only knows how much appreciated his lessons have been. I wish I could had someone like him in my stats course at uni. Thanks so much, prof. from the bottom of my heart.


Thanks so much. I started stats for my criminology degree this week ( 2nd year) i feel lost and terrified. I will keep watching your vids, i appreciate it so much.


Thank you so much for your SPSS videos, Dr. Todd. I am currently in a Quantitative Research Methods course in my doctoral program, and I do not understand Quantitative Research Methods. After watching your videos, I am starting to know how to use the SPSS program. Thank you so much, Dr. Todd; I am no longer frustrated with my course in Quantitative Research Methods. I will continue to follow you and your videos throughout my doctoral journey 😊


This is so helpful. Teaching right from the heart!! Thank you for making it very easy to understand Dr. Todd Daniel


Wow, even being shot 6 years ago these camera angles and difference in the way each of the angles is shot just follows all the attention-retention principles of nowadays TikTok videomakers for this low attention-span generation. Good job being ahead of time and thank you for this tutorial, super useful


Thank you for making it so easy to understand, Dr. Todd. I am very grateful for this.


Incredible... I've just cracked my data coding and analysis for my research through the first four of your videos ... Thank You Dr. Todd


This is so helpful. Teaching from the heart! Thank you for making it so easy to understand, Dr. Todd Daniel.


Thank you Sir for this straight forward and easy to follow tutorial


Thank you for explaining this in layman's terms !!!


incredible video. Had to refresh my 10-years ago knowledge of SPSS for grad schoolwork. glad I found this channel.


I still watch these videos years later and they are as useful as the day made. Thank you so much


Helpful information. Thanks, I will continue watching the other clips in the series.


Thank you for sharing useful info professor!
