Get PUMPED for Lean Manufacturing: Start the Right Way! | Pierson Workholding Q&A

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Today on Pierson Workholding Q&A I answer a question from a viewer: “How do I get my team pumped for lean manufacturing if people aren’t excited for it”. There’s a few tricks to start the right way and get ANY person on your team excited to go lean shop

Today's Pierson Workholding's Q&A Question is this: “Jay I'd like to do Lean shop, but I'm not sure everyone will be on board. Where should I start? Man, this is such a common question and it's a great question. Let me share with you my story to lean and some tips and tricks to get ANY person on your team PUMPED for lean manufacturing!

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**Videos We Recommend**

Fixture Friday Series:
THIS is the playlist to watch if you want to learn about designing fixtures.

00:00 This week’s question - How to start Lean and get your team on board00:30 Why I started doing lean
01:50 What is Lean?
02:20 How to get people to embrace Lean
04:21 Convert the complainers to Lean
05:39 Starting Small with Lean
06:46 Recap on getting people to buy into Lean

#LeanManufacturing #LeanShop #PiersonWorkholding
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Jay your shop tour with NYC CNC that was maybe 5 or 6 years ago has totally changed my views on manufacturing, I still probably watch it once a year. I’m the young guy with energy pushing lean currently. My last job we were really small and it was well received out of necessity, all 3 machines we had the tables were filled with Pierson bases (7 total). I’m now at a company with about 100 employees and the products we make are so profitable that it’s almost detrimental, there is no embracing lean because even with all the horrible inefficiencies they’re still making money hand over fist. I’ve been there a year now and after lots of convincing we just got our first quick change base like 3 days ago. I’m hoping it’s a big snowball effect! We’ve got about 50 Haas machines we can pack with those bad boys, although realistically we probably only need half that number if things were running with hot swap pallets.


Nice video. I really appreciate Your consistent positive outlook. I think Your content is very good and helpful. Just for your info. I am an old Guy with over 49 years of machining experience and I still can learn from You Young and talented Guys


I'm so glad you mentioned the book "2 second Lean". Right when the video started I was going to recommend it if you didn't. I loved how the focus was to improve the culture and work on your people first and everything else happens naturally. It's a similar to the book "Atomic Habits" which concentrates on making little 1% improvements everyday end by a year you will be so much better!

Love all your tips and videos!


As a low-mid level employee that tries to constantly improve the workplace, I would agree that starting small and building relationships with the passionate, "complaining" employees works. In my spare time I roam the shop floor (no matter what, I find time to roam), and I talk with people and try to tackle the problems they encounter. There are so many tiny improvements that go unresolved, but are easy to fix, like tightening a loose bolt on a sagging machine guard (true story). When people see things getting done, it leads to deeper and deeper improvements. You can't sit around and wait for the "million dollar" idea.

Unfortunately, the real benefits of lean happen when a company makes high level changes to their management systems - accounting, sales, HR, engineering. For example, my current company has $100, 000's of parts sitting around as "work-in-progress" or sitting in a warehouse as "safety" stock, so you can imagine how many small improvements I would have to make to equal that.


"Go forth and
And it was good.


I have got to say thank you. I am one of those complainers. It is because I care. I am too old and unhealthy to do this work now, but I was a cnc/programmer fo 15 years. Mazatrol and Fanuc. Also Tornos 8 spindle cnc screw machines. You are correct. The ones that go through the motions happy do not care as much.

I worked in a place where operators would change inserts, regardless of wear at the beginning of the shift. Or the ones with a long cycle time just standing there. I was never in charge and the powers that be just did not care and eventually they went under. They also did JIT practices. On the fence with that, but companies just do not realize the complainers are the ones that care.


Jay you’re a superstar there are very few people in the world that communicate as clearly and concisely as you.

I’d love you to do an AME tour. Let me know if you’re interested.


Start with good standardised processes! You know where to come... .😀


Agree 100% with what you're doing. Simple question though, what surface (brand & product please) are your floors?


Kaizen was a book used for a Lean 6 Sigma class in college. Easy read, great resource.


very good video Mr, pierson..thanks for your time


Thanks for the video. The last part about the table really resonated with me. It’s overwhelming to fix everything at once but this approach seems really doable.


Ha I work for people where management thinks missing out on 100% of the jobs is better than an employee with an 80% efficiency all while that 80% was netting them a 400% profit. You can’t help stupid management that won’t listen and think only they know what is right.


Hola amigo
Muy bueno todo
Pero pregunto puedes mostrar
Más vídeos de las máquinas trabajando y la producción de piezas
I no tanta vídeo ablando y explicando


I even do lean while watching youtube. A little investment and I don't have waste time watching ads.🤑


I keep thinking don't do drugs it's not the way to solve the stress that way lol


The background music is really annoying :-)
