Apple TV 4K vs Nvidia Shield TV Pro - Which one SHOULD YOU BUY and WHY

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Apple TV 4K vs Nvidia Shield TV 4K - Still worth buying Shield TV Pro or Should buy Apple TV 4K or even better the new Apple TV 4K 2022; this video will help you decide which I use and explain which one should you get depending on your usage.
Apple TV 4K 2022 does not support DTS or DTS X codecs, as well as TrueHD passthrough.
With new Apple TV 4K you will be able to get HDR 10+ if you use Samsung, or Philips TVs which support HDR10+

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Apple TV 4K vs Nvidia Shield TV Pro - Which one would you choose or have already?


I've been a Shield guy since 2017. Got the latest version last year and am very pleased with it.


Nothing wrong with your accent your crystal clear, ignore haters my friend, your doing a great job


Shield all the way. My main beef with it is that Google now serves "suggested content" (aka ads) at your home screen. Those are often for services you don't even have access to and parents might be concerned that there's no parental controls for those either.

On the other hand, it's Android, meaning there's much you can do with it. I've setup a Linux distro and run a Pi-Hole server on my Shield. In the future I plan to run other stuff there, like a smart home server and my SD-Wan management software. Can't imagine Apple tolerating the idea of me doing what I want with the hardware I bought.

I Like it so much I got a second one, 2019 Pro for Dolby Vision and AI Upscaling (which is surprisingly good, by the way). Now I can finally watch 4K content in the office with the 2017 I had before.


My Apple Tv is sitting in it's box on a shelf and my Nvidia Shield Pro is hooked up to my 55 in Samsung TV.


You don't have the accent, the other guy does. It's a matter of perspective.


I cannot see my setup without an Nvidia Shield. I still have my 2015 500GB model. I just upgraded and got another one (Shield TV Pro 2019) for my S95B. Nvidia has outdone themselves with the Shield. It's just hard to beat it especially with the constant updates.


The main reason I use Apple TV is spatial audio on Airpods Max/Pro 2. Sometimes you cannot use your home theater specially during night. The experience with airpods dolby Atoms is unique to Apple.


I have 3 Nvidia Shields. 2 2017's and a 2019 Pro. All three work great.


Shield TV Pro for people with real surround sound systems that can playback TrueHD Atmos, DTS:X, DTS-HD and a PLEX Server. AppleTV for better UI, Atmos Music, Streaming services (HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+, Netflix, etc).


Good to know Apple TV doesn't support DTS-X. That alone will steer us towards the Shield. Even our Chrome Cast TV 4k does that for my PLEX movies....


Hi i m only looking for best picture and sound quality for movies and ott qpps. I had sony sound bar ht a 3000 with rear speakers rs5 and subwoofer sw5. Also my tv is sony x80l which supports dollby Atmos dts x and all latest. So my question is which is the best apple 4 k+ or nividia shield tv Pro?


Got both the apple tv 4k is way smoother but your cant get certain apps on it


I have the Shield 2017, 2019 and just got myself Apple TV 4k 3rd gen. My summary

- The shield is 99% perfect but it has one issue - The lack of proper 24p playback support.The 2019 version has a framerate match feature but is serioulsy broken. This is not nessecerily Shield's doing but more the way the apps are written for Shield. The lack of 24p will cause image judder due to 3:2 pulldown( just google on this) which is very distracting especially on bigger screees and PJs.. On the other hand, Apple TV 4k matches framerate perfectly on every single one of the major streaming platfroms. The problem I have with Apple TV is that it does not output bitstream but locally decoded LPCM in Dolby MAT format. This is again fine for most streaming platform as it'll correctly pickup Atmos, but DTS - nope.


I do like the fact that you can use the tv calibration feature from Apple TV.


I'm looking to replace my Fire TV Stick Max (1st Gen) and I also have a Hades Canyon NUC connected to a HDTV. The NUC is used for web browsing, streaming, and has Emby Server loaded on it. Media is stored on a NAS and a DAS, close to a hundred Terabytes of media. It's possible that the Nvidia Shield TV Pro could replace both, but it would need to have the functionality of both. The PC, with connected bluetooth keyboard, is great for browsing, and serves as my Emby server. The Fire TV stick is a good streaming device, has an EMby client app, but is worthless as a web browser. If a wireless keyboard can be connected to the Nvidia device and offer the same web browsing experience as a PC, then this could be the all-in-one I'm looking for. Thoughts on using the Nvidia as a daily driver to replace a PC for web browsing?


DTS HD MA didn't work with you on Apple TV and error appeared because you have to make the subscription for the infuse app on the Apple TV, its working for me but it says PCM on the A/V receiver


Good video. Your accent is fine, stay strong.


im liking this because of your accent. You speak two languages, ignore the hater. Thanks for the video.


Just hope Nvidia releases a new shield soon.