Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development - Applications to Social Work

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Disclaimer: This video was created as a general resource by Karen Magruder and is not an official product of The University of Texas at Arlington, CSWE or the NASW and does not necessarily represent an actual or implied endorsement.
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Thank you! This was super helpful. A video explaining Margaret Mahler and Frued’s structural theory and psychosexual stages would be great.


Really appreciate the application of SW professional roles to these stages. Thoughts: generativity can include volunteerism and civic engagement. It is also the stage at which many adults are becoming grandparents and supporting their children's transition to adulthood. It can be helpful to think of integrity in terms of "structural integrity" of the ego or psyche. SW's in hospice and in aging services are also involved at this stage.


Thank you Karen! This presentation has been really helpful. You’re amazing !


What critiques, or especially updates, of Erikson would you recommend? I’m in the midst of a mid-life career change to be a middle school teacher, and my school’s syllabus is full of the same old white dudes I was familiar with in my graduate training in social-cognitive psychology back in the early 90s: such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Maslov, Bandura, Kohlberg, and Erikson. Great thinkers but with so many outdated and reductionist ideas. Where are the new, 21st century theorists who can adapt and extend these very old theories? I l’ll need to deal with a whole generation of teens often filled with despair for a future of widening injustice, lack of economic stability, and accelerating climate catastrophes. Is Erikson relevant except as a categorization of all the forms of psychological turmoil these kids will face all their lives?


Thank you. This is so helpful as I study for my LBS1 290 exam


love the Zoolander picture--who am I? :)
