A single mother who was 6 months pregnant was spurned by her mother-in-law

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when Luan goes away to work. Her mother-in-law brought another woman to Giang's house to look for her son. Not seeing Luan, she caused trouble and pushed Giang down
#cubon #mother-in-law #giàngthísinh #singlemother
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Hello! Momma you need to report this police you are pregnant and it can effect the baby if you fall or stress out.. you can loose the baby early if you don't report this to police what is mother is doing to you...God bless you guys to stay safe, healthy...🦋💞 texas


Giang bikin pintu dan beli gembok..pintu itu di gembok terus..klo ngak, berbahaya tu orang tua yg jahat itu kejam..giang minta tolong bibi sementara tinggal bersama kamu aja..bisa jaga anda..dan bisa antar cobon sekolah..sementara pak luon harus bekerja cari duit..untuk persiapan giang mau lahirkan ..semoga sukses..tuhan memberkati..


Hallo giang..hati hati dengan wanita tua ini ..dia kejam..dia blg lain x dia datang dia akan pake masker pake topeng..itu orang jahat sekali..laporkan kepolosi aja..dia bilang lain x dia mau datang lagi pake topeng..orang lain tidak bisa kenal dia..dan giang pintu gerbang di gembok aja..bikin pintu satu..beli kunci..selalu di gembok aja..bahaya tu..wanita kejam itu..untung tadi ada bibi..


If it is true story..Don't allowed anyone to harm you in your house..coz it is your territory..report to police officer.it is your right to protect yourself and your son for peaceful living..tell to your husband whatever the bad things done unto you of his mother and the other woman.


Amiga Giangs, não permita que esta Sra, sua sogra chegue aos extremo com vcs. Pois ela falou que vai voltar para atazanar o teu sossêgo. Alerte se. Acordei pra jesus.Não queira fechar a porta quando o ladrão está dentro de casa. Preserve a sua vida e dos seus filhos. Agora ela tem uma parceira demostra ser tão miserável quanto ela. A sua atitude me deixa a flor da pele.


Why you let do ur mother in law do that to you ure pregnant about ur husbant why let him for you report to police u file a case


Thanks for getting auntie to help you with Cubon that's to much getting him to school walking in your condition as far as you keeping this drama going with his mother that's on you by law you can stop since her son doesn't have sense to that's your property and she is trespassing


Ihhh nonton vidio ini bikin darah tinggi ...knpa ibu tua itu sngat kejam ...lapor kan ke polisi biyar kmu dpat perlindungan .jgan byr kn dia trus menyiksa mu ...dlu kehidupan mu sngat bhahia bersma cubon skrg sperti ini ..


You need to take care of yourself and your family first 😘👍🏻💕💕


Laporkan kepolisian ibu cubon Krn pengeroyokan.😮


Call the police tell them they always harast you in your house


Ay Giang, estabas mejor cuando estabas sola con tu hijo Cu Bon, ahora tienes que lidiar con una suegra malvada y otro niño, que triste


I’m not willing to watch this vlog if this bad mother in law always fight and hurt her daughter in law, please see to it that this bad mother in law respect and stop bullying giang thi shin or else 😡


Itu lah sinh dari dulu awak tidak peduli netazan bagi awak nesihat sekarang awak betul2 sensara


Рукоприкладство к беременной со стороны бабушки будующего ребёнка-это вообще ужас.Такая агрессия(а какая походка виляющая-где ваша больная спина😂)


Luan vc já tem uma família linda, tome postura de homem e vai cuidar deles .


Добрый вечер Джианг
Мне очень жаль вас, что ваша свекровь безголовая женщина!!!
Вам надо пойти в полицию и написать на нее заявление и наказать ее, и лучше чтобы ее посадили в тюрьму!!!!
В тюрьме будет у нее время задуматься что она творит . Она хочет чтобы вы потеряли ребёнка, чтобы сын вернулся домой .
Мне очень жаль вас ❤❤❤


Minha filha já tinha uma sogra miserável, mostre a sua raça valente. Não deixe ela te maltratar. Vc é uma mulher de muita raça. Não se torne uma barata para que está Sra, sua sogra te bata, vendo que vc está aponto de dá a luz..Fale bem alto show Satanás espírito ruim. Tu não vai me vencer. O meu Deus é maior e muito benevolente. E junto com a sua tia, denuncie está Sra, pelo amor de Deus na tua vida. Se não vcs não terá sossêgo. Estou aqui torcendo por vcs. Seja muito feliz. Vc terá um bom parto Lembre se, que é feliz quer ver seus amigos Que mora no Brasil.


Aunque se vaya ve a la policía y denunciala si no lo haces seguirá lo mismo hasta que un día te deja sin casa o te mata esa vieja es mala y acuérdate que ella no te puede pegar tú estás embarazada eso no se permite denunciala el niño también sufre todo ese maltrato que ve te esa señora te hace denunciala a l a policía


Go and get the police for her before you lose your body
