What if Coffee Suddenly Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children

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Firstly, as per a study, more than 50% of Americans have coffee and 65% of them consume it in the morning. If coffee suddenly disappeared, many people will be sad as they will miss their favorite cup of coffee in the morning.
Secondly, Tea will suddenly become more popular. Cafes in order to survive will have to replace coffee with tea.
Thirdly, Coffee contains a drug called caffeine, it is very addictive. With coffee disappearing, many people might start experiencing coffee withdrawal symptoms like headache, fatigue, poor concentration etc.
Fourthly, with more than 500 billion cups of coffee consumed per day, sudden disappearance of coffee will be very bad news for jobs around the world as many people starting from coffee cultivation right up to cafes depend on coffee industry for their monthly income.

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