Random Tips From a 5000 Hour Ground Player in War Thunder (vol. 1)

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I've been playing War Thunder for quite some time... so here's the first video I'll be doing about tips to improve your effectiveness in Ground Realistic battles. I could have said more, and continue to think of random things I could have mentioned... but this video is a good start for now.

Hope you enjoy, and if you have any other cheeky tips, hit the comments with em!

00:00 Intro
00:43 Use your damn binoculars
03:02 Third person pre aiming
04:55 Cheeky squad ping
06:21 Positioning over points
06:54 Audio settings
08:14 Fix gun direction in mouse view
09:14 Recommended controls to bind
10:58 Stat cards don't tell you everything
12:46 fin

Intro music:
TEK.LUN - Plum ft DrewsThatDude

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Here is my biggest tip: BE PATIENT. Everything goes back to patience. All of my best moments are because of PATIENCE. It applies to aiming, positioning, and everything else you can think of.


I think the most important tip people almost never mention is that when you're new, you're going to die. You're going to die a lot. BR 1.0-3.0 is populated with tons of very experienced players, either because they find low tier more fun, have a specific vehicle or lineup they really enjoy playing in it, are attracted to the WW2 vehicles, or just plain enjoy seal clubbing. These players will not only be better than you in skill and fully able to spot you even when you're a set of 5 pixels 500 meters away on the left corner of their screen, but they'll also have just diametrically better tanks than you. Their crews will be fully leveled up and their tanks fully spaded, and they'll have a lot of experience using them. When you get seal clubbed, and you will be a lot, don't be disheartened. It happens to everyone and you can only get better and get on the same skill level as these seal clubbers. So just keep trying


ryan: i didn't particularly do good
also ryan: gets 5 kills

ah yes, spookston syndrome


Squad ping also can be used for alternative distance calculator. Simply ping your enemy, then see at the bottom of the tactical map how long 1 square is. Example: 1 square is 200 and say that your enemy is right in the middle of 5 square ahead (4x200 +100=700). Boom now u know roughly the distance. This is very useful in distance more than 1km and if you have low skill in range finder. Not only it's quicker but also if i am not wrong the manual(without laser/range finder mod) the distance is cap at 1.2km.


A minor thing about peaking from behind a hill and ping.
This is actually a scenario where higher ping is an advantage, latency goes both ways, your opponent will see you peeking beyond the hill later than if you were having a low ping.
It would be a disadvantage if your opponent does the same to you, or when you want to respond to an enemy.


I just found you a few weeks ago and I'm honestly blown away by how good you are at this game. And that's on top of being so clear-headed and positive despite how frustrating WT can be. Really appreciate the videos and I hope to be even half the player you are one day.


As a 5000h ground forces player myself, that tip about third person aiming over ridge lines is incredibly helpful.
Not only do I hardly ever use third person to fire, I really hate how dirt and especially snow blocks your view while enemies can still hit you.

I already hate it when third person sometimes screws up my gun position due to parallax, so I avoided third person firing most of the time.


Just found the channel, good tips. I think one of the biggest, yet undiscussed problems people face is being too anxious/aggressive. Sometimes it's okay to let one kill go if that nets you multiple kills later. Especially when you're simply dealing with someone who's more skilled or in a better position than you, it's okay to find someone else to shoot at if you have little chance of actually winning the confrontation.


I'm really glad because I didn't start to play this game "on my own", I have a great buddy that's playing this game since 2015-2016 and he showed me so many useful tips, he showed me range finder, binoculars, he also explained to me dogfight tactics, what are the most "OP" vehicles on every BR, and honestly I've been surprised 'cause I didn't expect that I can play with a 3.3 YAG 10 'till 5.0 and still being a great player. Also he showed me the weak spots on many vehicles and I'm so glad I can kill a damn tiger with a single shot from a vehicle lower in BR. Silverbullet, u clearly deserve that name, you're a real one


One thing i would mention is you can hold mouse 1 while in your binocular view to keep the gun alinged with the binocular view, this way you can get better picture of the target before firing your gun on the target by coming out of your binocular view by pressing (B=default). This way its easier to get accurate shots through ground clutter. Anyway great tips for people that aren't familiar with the game mechanics


Bob quit cooking burgers to become a war thunder streamer…what a time to be alive


That third person pre aiming is really awesome, I didn't know it works with normal dirt's, so far I only know it would certainly works on snow map, definitely would try this out :D


What I really like about the binoculars is that they're always the same zoom level regarding of the vehicle so it's useful for guessing ranges based on the size of the tank in it


Something I would probably want to add about binoculars: Binoculars are, unlike the gunner sight, stabilized or at least they allow a much more smooth observation of your surroundings while moving. Binoculars also are better to see through, since you don't have a ranging-sight blocking your view. Moving enemies are much easier to spot than enemies standing still and a 'stabilized' observation of your surroundings allow for better recognition of movement in the distance, which again, the binoculars do a much better job at.
Also - peak around corners in third person before going around corners. It's not game-mechanics abuse, 3rd person view is free for everyone, and while a bit fiddly, it will definitely save your life.

And a thing about squad markers: Even planes can place down squad markers, but the marker will appear where the nose of the plane is pointing at that very moment. If you are in a fighter, out of ordnance and without enemy planes to chase, you can provide a fairly decent scout for your squad mates on the ground aswell.
Since knowledge is might, an eye in the sky is a battle half won.

And in the lower BRs, most 20mm cannons can penetrate engine deck armor and some/most belts include 1 or more AP rounds, and machine gun fire from above can easily distract an enemy and provide a pretty pin-point marking of an enemy position for your squad and teammates, provided you use tracer rounds.


I wanna add one small thing on the audio part if im not too late is trying to remember and know what you're listening to, each nation's tanks kinda has their distinct sound on low, mid, and high tier. Knowing how atleast each kind of vehicle (Medium, Heavy, Light, TD, etc) sounds can make a world of a difference on how you wanna engage it, especially if you're being sneaky picking the right moments and the right targets to engage is crucial.


Yeah the fix gun direction will defently help me improve my gameplay.
So many times i have been killed because my gun is aiming down after a bump in the road or by using binos or free look and the gun is so slow raising again.
Thank you for this tip Ryan.

Also i would love you to make some videos of you sharing tips and tricks on mapknowlage. Good positions and strategies etc. Would be a much appreciated video i think :)


An extremely useful feature of the binoculars is that you can use them for aiming, great at long ranges or for shooting form behind bushes which obstruct your gun sight. When you press down LMB while looking through the binoculars, the gunner will always move the barrel exactly vertically over the target, regardless of any uneven terrain. You just hold down LMB and then fire instantly by pressing shift to switch to the sight view. This can allow you to shoot long range over hills with no direct line of sight through the gun sight as long as the expected and actual barrel position indicators overlap (the small semi-transparent and opaque circles).


I cant say how much i enjoy this content and how much it helps me play, thank you so much


i started war thunder roughly two months ago, iv been having loads of fun, but most YouTubers give all the same generic tips, this video has helped me ALOT especially with mapping controls.
