Michael Cohen to jail: U.S. attorney recommends jail time for Trump's former personal lawyer

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The U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York is recommending a "substantial term of imprisonment" for former personal lawyer to Donald Trump, Michael Cohen. The U.S. attorney submitted a filing in the case on Friday.

Cohen's sentencing for fraud and other charges is scheduled for December 12.

According to the filing, for the crimes committed by Cohen, 51 to 63 months is within the sentencing guideline. It referred to Cohen's crimes as reflecting "extensive, deliberate, and serious criminal conduct."

The filing also said Cohen's actions the "suggest that Cohen relished the status of ultimate fixer – a role that he embraced as recently as May 2018."
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Trump will probably get off, that's the sad part.


If anyone deserves jail time it is Donald Trump not Michael Cohen.


What pisses me off is if this was a man of color he would get life!!


'Twas the night before Christmas, and in the White House,
not a creature was stirring, except for, the Chief Louse.
The stockings were hung by the fireplace flue,
in hopes of donations, and maybe a bribe or two.

The children were sweating, behind a locked door,
because their house guest, was Rotten Roy Moore.
Melania, as always, went to bed early,
with a headache or something - It made Donald quite surly.

And as he was preparing to type, from atop his gold throne,
on the newest of his strange, audio-glitched phone,
there came a loud clatter, from out on the street,
that got his attention, before he could tweet.

He ran to the window, and drew back the drapes,
and glimpsed on the lawn, some shadowy shapes.
And out on the road, many cars were now parked,
but, only a few, were obviously marked.

The flashing red and blue lights, gave a lustre of doom,
to the whole region - the house now felt like a tomb.
And then to add, to the events of the day,
Out popped Bob Mueller, from an FBI sleigh.

The wizened old lawman, then raised to his face,
his old favorite bullhorn, and it boomed out his case.
"The place is surrounded, and all of you, in the home,
exit right now, without resistance, not even an ohm."

And in the background, their image a blur,
with the sounds that they made, 'twas akin to a churr.
But they were the "team", that pulled this sled of dread,
in a harness of plea deals, stitched with live wire thread.

Mikey and Mikey and Geo and Paul,
Rick and Carter and Alex, et al.
They are the reignrats who chose to sing,
and yield this Trumpy trainwreck of a thing.

Donald was worried, so he said with a moan,
"Call up the Grinch - Get Vlad on the phone"!
He told his ole buddy to please be quite swift,
and send something fast, for a rapid airlift.

But Putin said, " Donnie, you must help yourself-
maybe you shouldn't have fired your elf".
And as the line went eerily dead,
Trump thought for a sec, and called the Senate instead.

Mitch picked up, on about the tenth ring,
and Trump blurted out, "My butt's in a sling!"
The Majority leader thought about it quite hard,
and said "It's a big one, to encase that much lard".

And as Donalds heart, sank to his feet,
He looked over to Matt, on whom he was sweet.
But Whitaker, this time, was on his toes,
and gave Don the bird, then up the chimney he rose.

The family was huddled as the door gave way to the breach,
and in walked Chris Wray, with a warrant for each.
Then as they were served, Chris said with a drawl,
"You knew this was coming, Merry Christmas to All".


Dude talks like there’s a weapon pointed at him just off camera.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!


Once cohen was turmp free he changed into a different person


Clang clang go the jail doors. Bahaha


Why doesn't Muelluer talk to drump secretary in New York that meeting in drump tower that the Russian said do you want me to call her. I know she knows something. She evidently knows everything. We really need to contact her.


Ain't this what it's always been...crooks bagging crooks for access to OPM and the media in on the ride.


I was wondering when SOMEBODY would level their gaze on Cohen, an opportunist and enabler extraordinaire!


It s a pain to listen to this guest who speaks in high pitch, unassuming pauses, panting as though he has a severe heartburn. CBS could do better.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy


He simply doesn't get that there are limits on his power, limits put in place to preserve the office of the presidency


CBS News This is the best coverage of this.


Hey Trump supporters!
Wake up and smell the coffee!!
Trump is done!!


Are they trying to shut him up? Or to take our thoughts off of how Trump should be in jail? Why put Michael Choen in jail? He already did his time. Trump didnt.


where is the lie detector test? its all about following the money. money is the root of all evil. yes


Time to pay the piper🎊🎉🎊🎉🎉🎉. Advice: DON't drop the soap buddy!!!


Enough is Enough put this liar, fraud in jail.
