The TRUTH About Kylie Jenner's MESSY and TOXIC Relationship with Travis Scott

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Hold onto your seats as we unravel the untold story behind Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's tumultuous relationship marked by cheating scandals and heart-wrenching revelations. In this exclusive video, we delve deep into the whispers, rumors, and explosive moments that have kept the world captivated. Let's get into it.

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I never understood this relationship. She got pregnant after a few weeks of knowing him and he never seemed that into her, and yet so many people glorified this relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️But I will say that Kylie seems to be a pretty good mom.


I honestly feel Kylie has been manipulated the most by Kris when it comes to her image. From Tyga to Travis and now Timothee. Kylie and Travis was a business arrangement meant to play out like Kim and Kanye. The only difference is Kim and Kanye actually loved each other for real. That couples trivia Kylie and Travis made me cringe, like you could see there was no chemistry at all.


Travis & Kylie always seemed like a weird couple. Travis didn’t know one thing about the girl lol 😂


I blame their mom for this stuff. She should have taught her daughters to have more self-respect. This mom just uses her kids.😢


I’m black and when I was a baby, I looked liked an Asian kid… Genetics are weird sometimes. stormie having slanted eyes as a baby means nothing


I think it’s WILD how Tokyo Toni is saying we ain’t seen no birth certificate! Or that press literally scramble to try find the birth certificate. I’d be so mad knowing people are trying to see personal information about my child. It’s just disgusting


My cousin changed her son's name 2 weeks after he was born. The baby was named after my cousin's husband, so the baby was a junior. A week after giving birth to her son she found out that her husband had been cheating on her, with her childhood best friend. So she changed her son's name and she's currently in the process of getting a divorce.


It’s insane how quickly people just forgot about astro world!


Having lived through this and being a fan of Travis Scott in 2015… him and Kylie shocked me. I couldent believe it, it was so random. My own personal opinion, he met them through kanye west, and he dated Kylie to get famous. Cause when I was a fan of him he was still opening up for artists such as the weeknd, then he completey blew up once Kylie entered the picture, also his entire fan base changed and he became very mainstream… very interesting.


Kylie : I thought you didn’t like me but now I know it’s just your standoffish personality

Travis’s laugh : nah I actually don’t like you


Damn Kylie ACTUALLY got pregnant within ~3 weeks of knowing him. Coachella 2017 was April 14-23. Stormi was born Feb 1. 9 months before Stormi’s bday was May 1. Kylie got pregnant at 19 while Travis was 26 I think?😅 I heard a theory that Kris wanted the public to see how Kylie didn’t get pregnant by just some hookup and let their relationship marinate so when the baby came, people were like “oh well they were already dating for 9 months” but really not.. 😅😬


I feel it was wrong for kris to not want Travis to be in the room to see the birth of his son🤦🏽‍♀️and not only that why would she allow her teenage daughter to mess with a grown man


What really amazes me… the fact that this very rich woman was having unprotected sex with someone she hardly new. With all that money I would think she would have been on birth control when she likes to take those kinds of risks. But again. She is very wealthy and having a child that young didn’t ruin her chances for financial stability. But any regular woman….. this would be life changing.


i relate to Kylie. i dated someone and very short got pregnant i stayed to make it work but they continued to party and cheat. it’s traumatizing and you want to make ur lil dream of a family come true. happy to see her moved on and cut that toxicity.


I feel like it’s so weird that Kylie cannot stay single. Since she was 15, she’s had a serious bf. Like, just chill. 🤦‍♀️


Travis only cares as far as the kids🤷‍♀️Kylie was a business move for him, period.


I cannot ever comprehend the mind set of parents who commit infidelity especially chronic cheating no matter their social status, how can anyone be this reckless with their free will and expect that their children will not be scandalized!


She went from one toxic, abusive relationship to another. I feel bad for the daughters in this family, Kris really did a number on them. None of them seem to have any idea on how to form and maintain actual relationships, which makes them a target to bums like Travis, Tyga, Kanye, etc.


I got pregnant a month after meet my ex husband. When you have someone’s child you wanna make it work. I don’t blame her for that.


Not a fan of Kylie (or the kardashians) but my god what a piece of shit Travis has been to her. I’m 20 rn, and I can’t IMAGINE having a baby, not to mention with a person who would care that little about me. Everything about Travis just seems so obnoxious and entitled. Everyone deserves to be loved, and it’s sad that Kylie didn’t get that from the literal father of her child.
