5 Minute Half Term Kitchen Workout
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An easy kitchen workout for you, no equipment needed - and takes literally FIVE MINUTES, so ideal for slipping in amongst the half term chaos to keep you sane(ish)⠀
5 exercises, 5 reps of each, 5 rounds - approx. 5 minutes of solid endorphins 💥⠀
Low to High Squat ⠀
Lateral Lunge to High Reach - Left⠀
Lateral Lunge to High Reach - Right⠀
Side to Side Hop + Tap ⠀
Beast to Plank⠀
Have a go and let me know how you find it! For more of a challenge try it as a 10 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible...) and let me know how you get on 👊🏼⠀
#halftermhero #halftermworkout #homeworkout #athomeworkout #fitinfive #fiveminuteworkout #kitchenworkout #endorphinfix #fitmums #metcon #fiveminutewonder
5 exercises, 5 reps of each, 5 rounds - approx. 5 minutes of solid endorphins 💥⠀
Low to High Squat ⠀
Lateral Lunge to High Reach - Left⠀
Lateral Lunge to High Reach - Right⠀
Side to Side Hop + Tap ⠀
Beast to Plank⠀
Have a go and let me know how you find it! For more of a challenge try it as a 10 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible...) and let me know how you get on 👊🏼⠀
#halftermhero #halftermworkout #homeworkout #athomeworkout #fitinfive #fiveminuteworkout #kitchenworkout #endorphinfix #fitmums #metcon #fiveminutewonder