1: Intro: Cork handle/reel fitting upgrade on a Tricast coarse fishing rod #coarsefishing #fishing

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After paying a pro to upgrade the handle on an older (coarse) fishing rod, I decided that it was a job I could do myself. The fishing rod(s) were all with the sliding reel fittings, and I wanted to upgrade with the newer style locking type.

After doing a couple, I decided it was worth sharing my experiences. This is the first video, it's the intro and background.

The rod is a Tricast wand, a light quivertip rod used for bomb fishing or smaller feeder (swimfeeder) fishing. The replacement reel fitting is from Fuji, the model is a Fuji DPS-HPS Match / Feeder Reel Seat supplied by Guides and Blanks in the UK. The epoxy finish is the Seymo brand.

I'm no pro when it comes to working on rods, nor making YouTube videos.
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