Beerus is Stronger Than Black Frieza Finally Confirmed

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#dbsmanga #Chapter100 #blackfrieza #beerus

New V-Jump article reveals something big concerning who is stronger out of Black Frieza and God of Destruction Beerus in Dragon Ball Super.
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Gohan Beast Vs Black Frieza

Your thoughts?


Beerus will forever be a moving goalpost


The stronger they make beerus the more scary whis becomes 😅


Japanese here, all this confusion about goku being 70% as strong as beerus was due to a translation error in battle of the gods. In the japanese version beerus clearly states he used "about 1%" of his power to fight god goku. Why the american company hired to do the translation decided to change the original dialog is beyond me.


I think the reason why Beerus continues to be so strong is that it makes a lot of sense. I was always against gods of destruction being surpassed so quickly in the story. Also if they were surpassed it would mean that every villian after would be somehow stronger than gods of destruction which would make no sense. So I don't mind gods of destruction being so strong


I was honestly hoping that beerus who has trained with whiz for millions of years now wasn't going to be easily surpassed by a couple of saiyans who have only trained decades. eventually he will be surpassed, but not so quickly, it wouldnt make sense for such an ancient older prehistoric being.


I think Beerus just lies to Vegeta and Goku a lot to motivate them to become stronger. It's likely that when they reach a specific point one of them will take his job and he will retire. He's probably training them for that, but specifically since Vegeta is tapping into Ultra Ego as a direct result of Beerus's training, it is likely in the future he will surrender his position to Vegeta.

Will they surpass him? Not as mortals. But if they are granted prolonged life, the capability to live billions of years, they too will surpass him by a colossal margin.


People need to understand that none of them will surpass Beerus unless and until it's explicitly shown. Whenever it'll happen there will be a fight with Beerus where he'll accept that he has been surpassed.
He's too powerful of a character in the show to just be surpassed like this.


Honestly some people are just in pure denial. Some try to say Granola was stronger than Beerus, and even after I point out that the dragon said he'd only be strongest "apart from the gods", they'd act like the dragon is capping. The denial is crazy.


much better mic by the way bro but thus far, the more they continue to move Beerus upwards as the goalpost, the more unbelievable it becomes considering how Beerus doesn't DO ANYTHING lol and is STILL "number 1" - insane, isn't it? but we'll see what Black Frieza ends up showcasing as the story continues and hopefully, its something that shocks us all.


My final cope is that 1) Beerus caps out at MUI Goku level, and 2) we've been looking at BASE Beerus all along.


I've said it years ago that until beerus is explicitly stated to have been surpassed or beaten by Goku or vegeta that he would continue to be the strongest, powerscalers can't wrap their heads around narrative and that Toriyama does not care about scales he had no involvement in. Every arc its the same question being asked about beerus, until its addressed in the story just assume every villain is below Beerus and the GoD, All the jiren hype was only from him being above belmod that's it and all the UI hype died after we saw it lose like 4 or 5 separate times, same goes for UE.


Pretty sure Beerus has his own hyperbolic time chamber some place that he hops into every arc lmao, abusing that godly lifespan


The more stronger Beerus becomes the more I’m starting to believe that Beerus in Battle of The Gods was only using <1% of his power.


Finally someone addressed Vegeta using Beeruss “small display of power” in Chapter 69 as a measuring stick. Bc Vegeta himself stated he hadn’t reached that level after gaining UE
That literally means both he and MUI Goku at that point in time werent even close to a suppressed Beerus


That thing that annoys me the most about Beerus being fuckin orders of magnitudes stronger than them even by this point is that way, way back when Battle of Gods first came out and was a contained story with Beerus, Super Saiyan God was able to push him to "about 70%" of his power or something. Way back then, Toriyama said that "If SSJ God Goku is a 6, Beerus is a 10, and Whis is 16."

And then things got massively, massively ramped up because they continued. Beerus went from *_not even being twice as strong as God Form, _* and only having roughly 40% of a power advantage (which is enough to flawless victory in seconds, anyway), to being way, way stronger.

It made sense for Beerus to be satisfied fighting Goku when it pushed him to almost three quarters of his power. It still made sense for him to be satisfied when the God form was retconned to be somewhere in the realm of a tenth of his power. But now we're supposed to believe that the King of Ego and Poor Tempermant was SATISFIED fighting SSJ God, when it was probably some ridiculous fraction far below 1% of his power, like or some crap. *_That would be like the greatest fighter in the world feeling satisfied from fighting a blade of grass._*

It would just feel better had they actually planned out a lot more, instead of everything early on being contained, then not. When Resurrection F came out and SSJ Blue was unveiled, logically speaking, there was no reason to assume from what we knew that Goku and Vegeta weren't already stronger than Beerus, if SSJ God had proved so satisfying and it was then massively amped. Especially the way that Beerus aggressively tells Whis to keep quiet about the fact that he destroyed Planet Vegeta - he clearly feared retaliation in this movie, but why, if he was so much stronger?

But now the guy who one-tapped Mastered UI and Ultra Ego with probably some miniscule fraction of his power, with complete ease, is still supposedly so far below Beerus that he doesn't even care. Never even mind our main characters, this leads to their being a frankly unacceptable margin of difference between the Gods of Destruction themselves. Belmod being perhaps the weakest and being surpassed by a not-even-mastered SSJ Blue way back before the ToP, and Beerus still being so ridiculously far ahead, just makes no fuckin sense to me. Gods of Destruction being weaker or stronger in a spectrum is fine, but for fuck's sake, not by hundreds or thousands of times. It's just so, so, so much, especially since Beerus thus apparently has the power to punch away the entire Universe with absolutely zero effort with a tiny, tiny fraction of power.

He really, genuinely, should have been at the very fucking least CHALLENGED by MUI and Ultra Ego, even if he remained superior. The idea that Beerus is so strong and yet is content with the fights he has had honestly contradicts how volatile his character is when he is met by weakness.


Beerus really held back when he gave Bulma the divine smack.


Wouldn't be surprised if beerus had his own power up technique or transformation like toppo did but mastered. for all we know the goalpost this entire time could very well be his base form and if that was the case that would make whis even more terrifying


Well Beerus did tell Vegeta that his power is limitless and grows as long as his mind is focused on destruction which is all the time.

"Before creation comes destruction, get it?"


Jiren was originally stated to be stronger than his own Destroyer God

Whis: "I have heard rumors that one of the other universes has produced MORTALS so strong even THEIR OWN Destroyer can't defeat them"

Notice Whis said MORTALS, plural....
That's because Toppo and Jiren were both stronger than Belmod, not just Jiren....

And when Goku fought Toppo during the exhibition he turns SSB and one of the Supreme kais says "That pressure! It's power on the level of a God!"

This all lines up with Toppo replacing Belmod as Destroyer...
And Toppo says if you're equal with me you're no match for Jiren...
So apparently Toppo and SSB Goku were both stronger than Belmod at that point and then Jiren was completely out of their league....
