Cutscene Animation: 'Sinner's Finale' | Genshin Impact

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Having witnessed countless trials, the grandest and most dramatic of them all finally takes shape before her eyes.
Brimming with energy, the mighty sword cuts through the curtain as the sinner's dance draws towards its final cadence.

#GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #Cutscene #Animation #Furina

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The final dance is so poetic - Focalors danced as a form of farewell for Neuvillette while Furina danced as a closing performance to her 500 years of acting.


There is something that i realized from the death of the recent archons.

Raiden Makoto : No one in Inazuma really knows about her death, since there are 2 of them, except Miko.
Rukkhadevata : No one in Sumeru remembers her, even Nahida
Focalors : Everyone in Fontaine only knew Furina as Focalors, not knowing that they've been separated. So everybody in Fontaine basically don't know that their archon is dead, except for Neuvillete.

It is really sad to see, almost everybody in the respective countries didn't know about the sacrifice of their own gods.


At 1:02 I finally realized the sword was following Focalor's every step across the stage. She really made sure her own execution was certain. The sword really is her spotlight and final curtain.


2:01 - 2:09 The Actual Translation of that letters is:-

"It's been tough for you, Furina"
"Pray Live Blissfully
as a human
for that is what I wished for"


Looking at furina not speaking a word, with tears in her eyes, broke me completely.
The look of absolute defeat, she doesn't care about anything anymore, she thought she broke the one rule she wasn't supposed to break and that all her pain was for nothing, it absolute broke my heart.


If you really think about it, Furina is genuinely one of the most selfless people on Teyvat. At her worst, she could’ve confided in Traveler for a split second but she held strong. Cherish her, hug her, treat her well.


hearing the strings as furina sat alone on the throne with focalors' last message had me feeling things i never thought genshin would make me feel


1:49 I'm a violinist and I can hear clearly the violin sounds just like a real weeping cry. Props to the violinist on pulling on these notes with such immense emotion.. he/she must be truly playing from the deepest of their hearts.


"please happily live as a human, just as I wished we could" this line will forever break my heart


The parallels between Focalors and Furina while they are dancing is heartbreaking and ethereal at the same time


If you read the in-game description at the archives section, it's described that the rain poured heavier than ever outside the Opera Epiclese after Neuvillette regained his full authority over Hydro. He really grieved over Focalors' death and the fact that he was the sole witness for it, watching her to be executed and disappear into bubbles of hydro energy, signifying the destruction of the Hydro Archon throne and the restoration of the Hydro Sovereign Authority to its rightful owner must have been so traumatizing and heartbreaking for him. Imagine witnessing someone's death, especially a brutal one in front of you. No wonder the downpour was so excessive, the sadness carved so deep inside his heart as he grieves over her death, which is then followed by the trembling and shakiness in his breath. I'm unsure if it's just the rain, but if you examine closely a single tear can be seen. Neuvillette really went from being uninsterested in human society to eventually loving and sympathizing with humanity over the past 500 years all thanks to Focalors and Furina, who executed the plan perfectly. He came to love and understand human emotions even if he does not understand himself. This archon quest made me love Furina and Neuvillette as a character even more, and I am beyond happy that hoyoverse is able to create and portray characters so beautifully as them :) I really want a 2nd story quest for both of them, for that is one of my biggest wishes for the continuation of the story.


Here's a little funfact: AQ act 5 of fontaine is called "masquerade of the guilty ". In the Chinese version, it is wrote as 罪人舞步旋. If we reverse the position of the characters, it becomes 旋步舞人罪. Pronounced "Xuán huy wǔ rén zuì". We have 旋 homophones with 宣, 舞 homophones with 无. The sentence 旋步舞人罪 will become 宣布无人罪. It means: " A declaration, no one is guilty."
I read this comment from Minhhoaitrinh153 but i wanted to share it with you all.


Neuvilette was deeply saddened by both Furina's suffering and Focalors' sacrifice, but alas Focalors was a true genius for decieving the heavenly principles.


Neuvillette launching off into the sky while crying before declaring his verdict gives me chills.


Everyone keep in mind that this was Focalors' choice the MOMENT she became the hydro archon (successor). She never strayed from her plan and stuck to it, fully accepting that justice could only come in her death and no other way. When she was still an oceanid her deepest wish was to be human. She got that humanity through Furina but knew that she could never fully get to experience it herself...only the loneliness of godhood and the cruel responsibility that came with it.


Everyone talk about Furina and Neuvillate, I wanna talk about Fucalors. The one who most eager to become a human, yet she turn herself into a machine. She knows she gonna die when the day she receivd the hydro archon throne. She even planned her own death. Store the energy for 500 years without talking to anyone, not even Furina. I thought about why she didn't talk to Furina thru the mirror, and I think thats because she couldn't. She has turned herself into a conscious machine. I cant imagine how she lonely she was. She just keeps on collect those energy and wait for 500 years for her own death sentences, alone, and no one even know she exists and sacrifice for Fontaine. Like Rukkhavevata. No one know and appreciated except Neuvillate. The one who most eager to be a human, in the end, she still cant be a human herself.


This scene was heartbreaking, but really interesting to see the dynamic between Focalors and neuvillette


This cutscene made me cry so hard
Def the best archon quest so far


ok so like in 0:34 in the jp version focalors uses “じゃあね” when saying goodbye to neuvillette which roughly translates to “see you”. this is an interesting word choice because it infers that focalors will see him again… they probably used it to show that furina and focalors are the same person and that focalors will meet neuvillette again as furina


"Sinner’s Finale" uses the singular term because Focalors and Furina are like two sides of the same coin—one divine, the other human. Combined both and you’ll make one Hydro Archon.

Loved how Zhongli acknowledged them as one entity by saying “…Though her divinity had vanished…” when speaking about Furina.
