50 Things to Declutter | What I'm Decluttering This Fall

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50 Things to Declutter | What I'm Decluttering This Fall
In this video, I am sharing more than 50 items that I am decluttering this fall. This video contains 50 things you can declutter now, based upon items are no longer adding value to my life. I love putting together these declutter with me or decluttering ideas types of videos with hopes that they can help inspire you to live your best life with less and live a more minimalist lifestyle! I know many of you have enjoyed the minimalist anti-hauls, but I hope doing seasonal decluttering videos going forward will still be helpful!

Don't want the whole bundle? Here are the links to each of the resources included in the bundle at the regular price:

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Due to a decline in sales and changes in the providers I used to give away free downloads and sell my ebooks, the resources and links mentioned in the video may no longer be available. I apologize for the inconvenience!

Disclaimers: All opinions are my own, but any links included in this description may be affiliate links, which help me support my channel, at no cost to you!
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This video helps me throw junk stuffs. I am hoarder. It is difficult make decision to keep or toss. After watch this video I can choose better. Thanks !!!


I love how easy it is to get rid of things!!! As a hoarder I hold onto to everything but I’m getting better at letting go!! Liked your video ❤️


Pizza cutters are not unitaskers but can be used for pasta and dough cutting as per the various cooking shows on PBS.


Thanks for another video explaining why you are letting go of each item. Hearing your thought process helps me make better decisions when I’m decluttering. Congrats on letting go of 50 items!

I also used to struggle with making myself floss daily. I decided to floss Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and that has worked for me for over a year now. Hope that is a helpful suggestion.

God bless you! -Lisa


You can change the sole of those shoes, if you want to, of course. My dad used to do that.


When I upgraded my lunch bag and food storage containers from plastic to glass, I gave the containers and bag to a co-worker with children. I prefer to remove an item when I replace it to avoid clutter. She was happy to replace her old one.


You totally pegged me on the "hauling" unnecessary crap around. I will being making a more critical assessment of my bags, so thank you. Love the smoothie recipe!


I always love your video's and learned a lot from them. But one thing in this video you said was that instead of buying people a gift for their birthday or the holidays, you give a donation in their name. I'm sorry, that's not a gift. Whatever you say, that's never a gift. I can understand that you don't want to spend money on gifts that end up in the back of a closet. But you can give in other ways to to let your loved ones know that you care about them. And in my opinion giving a donation to a charity is not one of them. Instead I would advice you to give them an experience. Go out with them, take them out to diner, go watch a movie together, visit a museum. That's a real gift. People will always forget the physicial gifts, but never forget experiences. As a 50 year old woman from the Netherlands, who has received a lot of gifts and experiences I would like to give you this advice. You can still give donations, but don't do it in other peoples name and present that as giving a gift for birthdays or holidays.


Love your videos!!! I really like hearing your thought process about why you're getting rid of it (while being concise). It does inspire me.


Agh just in time for my morning coffee ☕️ before I tackle the day! Great motivational start!


This is great motivation to get started on my Winter anti haul. Can't believe you found a random sock, with no mate! Poor little fella! 😂


So interesting! I stoped the Video and went to my apartment to sort out things you showed. Thank you. Jule from Germany


Your videos always remind me of something else I can get rid of, or use up....like my bag of coconut flakes. I've been losing weight recently as well and I'm also enjoying getting rid of clothes that are just too big.


Wowser cannot get over all the negative comments on this video, keyboard warriors who like to judge others from behind a computer 😤 great video Sarah 👍


Thank you for the coconut rice inspiration. Making a variation of that using coconut water that needs to be used up this month!!


Great video! I can't relate to not being a sparkle girl, but I love everything else! Great job decluttering.


Great video! Feeling motivated to go through by closet this weekend. I’m a therapist in behavioral health field, I can totally relate to the “teacher bag.” I have one of my own 🤣 thanks for sharing your tips.


All those bags could and should be used for grocery shopping to save on waste


We do decluttering once a year and I think It's better to do it quarterly or bi-yearly to make it easier to de clutter


With those nice leather shoes, I would have had them resoled...I have done that with a pair of my favorite ankle boots. I get compliments on these boots quite frequently...They are adorable...
