500 Things to Declutter for More Peace, LESS Stress

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We have a few ways that we can come alongside you:


This takes place in a private Facebook group. Here's what you can expect:
- 5-10 minute videos each weekday with guided decluttering tasks
- monthly themes, weekly challenges
- 1 hour live guided decluttering sessions twice a month for accountability
- encouragement & support from other members
- cost is $15/month

This is ideal if you're looking for more motivation & accountability.


This workbook is designed to walk you through decluttering each area of your home in 15 minute lessons.

- 168 full color pages
- easy to follow lessons designed for limited time & energy
- our key concepts (like inventory, the silent to-do list, the endowment effect & more) are spread throughout the book, too

Ideal for those looking for a self-paced guidebook to declutter their home quickly & efficiently.

The workbooks are $20 (digital or spiral bound)
Shipping: $4 flat rate domestic US


In the Declutter Your Home in 15 Minutes a Day course we go through the workbook, breaking down specific areas of your home in detail to be able to declutter faster and with more confidence. If you want to know specifics (like how many of each thing to keep) this course is for you.


Thank you for your support!


00:00 How to declutter your home
00:34 Decluttering Pots & Pans
04:12 Baking Sheets & Cutting Boards
05:16 How Many Baking Dishes
06:07 Dish Towels & Wash Cloths
08:34 Clearing Kitchen Counters
09:23 Simplifying Dishes
12:01 Decluttering Kitchen Appliances
14:49 Simplifying Cleaning Supplies
16:19 Decluttering Hair Products, Make-Up & Skin Care
23:50 Organizing the Laundry Room 
26:28 Decluttering the Entryway or Mudroom
35:43 Living Room & Family Room
41:00 Simplifying Homeschool Spaces & Craft Supplies
46:47 Office Supplies
50:26 Decluttering Master Bedrooms
54:39 Children's Bedrooms
58:28 Bathroom Medicine Cabinet & Linens
1:00:00 Simplifying Storage Spaces
1:05:09 What to keep for clothes
1:07:06 Free Printable of 500 Things to Declutter Now

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Here are some of the other things mentioned, too!

THANK YOU for watching and for ALL of your support, I am incredibly grateful!!! - Dawn


I decluttered my 5 y/os bedroom over Christmas break. We went through her toys one by one (even all the tiniest Barbie accessories etc). She kept a couple of babies and 2 Barbies and a handful of accessories. The rest was thrown or donated. I was shocked she was willing to get rid of so much. BUT, immediate success. The next morning she played alone contentedly for hours!! She hasn't done that in ages, because I think all the stuff was so overwhelming!! Thank you for sharing so much wisdom!


Genius!! "I store my duplicates at the thrift store" instead of just in case inventory. What a mind shift!


I actually made a treasure bin for my hubby - a bunch of random crap that I didn’t know what to do with but he doesn’t want me to chuck out - now when he’s looking for it I know where it all is, instead of random places - he’s satisfied knowing I didn’t chuck it, and I am satisfied because it’s all contained in one place 😊


I'm a declutter freak but I wasn't always this way. We built our current home 5 years ago and we had to pack up the old one. The accumulation of 20 years of things when my kids were growing up and I was too busy to focus on it was astounding. Astounding. But I think the thing that hit me the hardest was the baby and toddler clothes that I had set aside for 'someday-grandbabies'. When my husband pulled the boxes from the attic, I was horrified at the condition of the clothes - the clean and carefully folded things had stains reappear, had yellowed, had elastic that was no longer functioning and the clothes were all over just groovy and nobody would put a child in them. I had hoarded these clothes instead of passing them on and now nobody could get a second use with them. That upset me s much. Now I use it, when it's utility is gone for me, off it goes to a new owner.


Dawn, I 've gotten so much from your channel since finding it last year - thank you! I'm no poet, but a couple days ago this came to me and I wanted to share:


I can't move,
Not freely, like dancing through the world.
I can't see,
Not clearly, without fog to obscure.
I can't hear,
Not thoughts of new possibility.
I can't grow.
I am touching this container's walls.

This space constrains.
There is too much.
Too much and too little.

My things, they...
MY things?
Possession is a false concept, is it not?
THE things around me
In this house I occupy...

They block my path,
make me reach around
to what is needed.

They block my view,
So that all I see
Is what I can't use.

They yell at me:
Demanding action,
Taunting, laying blame.

They keep me small,
Focused on what's here.
Not on what could be.

I will clear this space,
Bring in air that's fresh,
And begin to dance.

-Jodi Callahan


I use older or unwated shampoos as a toilet scrub. Clean toilet, great smelling bathroom.


Nothing…. NOTHING!….. motivates me to make my own progress more than a video of you maniacally running around your “decluttered” home decluttering. My favorite. Thank you!! 🤩


When my kids were little I used the over the door shoe holders that had the mesh (breathable) pockets. Each kid got a row that was theirs. Their winter hat went in 1 pocket, pair of gloves in 1 pocket, etc
The top rows were for myself and my husband. When my husband came home from work he threw his sunglasses and wallet in a pocket in his row. It kept everyone from having an extreme amount of hats or gloves and they were always put away because it was easy to do and easy to find.
It was the best system I ever put in place!


Hi Dawn, I owned and baked for our restaurant for 13 years. We made over 100 loaves of homemade bread each week. White, wheat, Rye and raisin. In order to keep the bread fresh after baking we would let it cool & slice them and immediately put them in bread bags & into the freezer. So I thought for your sourdough you could do the same! When you need bread for toast or a sandwich you just pull out the amount of slices needed. Homemade bread has no preservatives to keep it from molding and no bread softener to keep it soft! It’s so much healthier for us! The freezer keeps it fresh for weeks but we always went through it quickly. ❤️


Hi Dawn! I just heard a lady on Moody radio call in about a testimony about how your channel has encouraged her declutter and trust God instead! It was so beautiful and it sounds like you truly helped her with her mindset on stuff. She said that her new years resolution is to pass on the encouragement to others.
You are truly reaching people, Dawn. Thank you for what u do! ❤


Traded out my old dishes for Corelle and they are a total game changer! I love how light and easy they are to clean, stack, and handle, yet they don’t break, even with young kids. Thanks Dawn!


I found you couple days ago. I just decluttered my daughter’s bedroom. I donated 8 trash bags of toys and 5 bags of broken toys. I had NO idea how bad it was but omg the weight lifted off my shoulders is indescribable. Now I’m obsessed with decluttered the whole house 😂


My son who is a CPA uses the expression A SUNK COST for anything we buy but later don’t use! Whether we keep it or not we don’t get our money back!!!! I donate so much more now! And just try not to make the same mistakes twice!!!!😊Thanks Dawn! ❤️


Watching this video for about the 6th time. This week I was dusting a wall of “W’s” I made 10 yrs ago and have loved it. Tons of textures and colors and they were hung on drawer knobs. Real cute. As I dusted I realized this was a chore that I did not enjoy nor did the wall make me happy anymore. Took it all down and will paint the wall and hang some artwork I have. Yahoo.


The long form videos are very handy as a 'body doubling' replacement - I seldom have the bandwidth for decluttering AND socialising so, for me, long form is a welcome and well used tool. Best of luck with your projects, folks, you're doing great!


Decluttering not only makes my house clean and tidy, it makes it easy for me to think clearly with intention. Awesome video.


It seems the crazier the world gets, the more we all crave peace and simplicity at home. I definitely need to declutter. Thanks for the advice and encouragement! ❤


If you don't want to unnecessarily scratch your non-stick pan place a pot holder in it before you stack other pans in it, just a thought. Cheap pot holders from the Dollar store work just fine for that.


Ive been married for 11 years and do 100% of the cooking and have never once owned a pot holder. I just use a towel. I don’t get burnt either. One less thing 🙌🏻
